Chapter 21. The last of the red branch knights

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Chapter 21

The last of the red branch knights.

"Stand your ground!"  Roared Cu Culainn over the battle screams around him.

The line was holding.

He knew that they were out numbered by the Connacht men who  could not brake through their defence line. 

Cu Culainn reasoned that the red branch warriors were killing 5 men to their one.

Also with the lake on their backs the enemy could not sneak round them.

If they  can just hold this line until darkness. Maybe just maybe theres a chance to escape.  Cu Culainn thought. 

That's a big maybe.     

"They are holding them back." Abbie said and realised she could talk.

"You got your voice back. Good."  Smiled Catbad.

"-The venom is starting to wear off.  Shame you will be dead before it wears off the rest of your body."

"Dead?  You would kill a child?" Abbie asked.

"You are twelve." He answered. "In this century that's considered middle aged."

"Why are you doing this?"  She asked.

"I am a Druid."  He said as if this explained everything.

"-The Druids have many secrets that you are not ready for. But we create legends help history to unfold as its meant to be. The Druid who has learnt to master history  will become a god."

"You want to be a god?"

Abbie said still looking at the battle in the mirror.

"-You are not good enough to be a god."

Catbad looked puzzled at her.

"What has been good got to do with been a god?"

Abbie didn't answer. She was glued to watching the battle. Somthing was appearing up out of the lake behind the red branch. 

It was a giant at least three times bigger than a normal man.

It had one eye in the front and one at the back. This Abbie guessed  must be the other race of people One Eye Lugaid, comes from.

The monster  stood waste deep in the lake. Holding a rope with a nasty hook at the end of it.

Then another giant rose beside it and another the other side. 

Soon a line of giants stood behind the backs of the red branch in the lake all with ropes and hooks.

"Ah! The Fomorians. You know,  they live under the sea.  Just off the Aran islands. They are great man fishers."

Catbad smiled.

"It will soon be over."


Next update Friday

Chapter 22

Man fishing

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