Chapter 17 The Manga wall

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Chapter 17

The Manga wall.

Abbie fell into the darkened moonlit bedroom.

She turned.

Got up and jumped at the wardrobe mirror.

"Noo!" she cried as she banged her fists into the mirror.

She punched it again and again but in her heart she knew there was no way back.

It was then in the mirror she noticed her bed.

She noticed that it wasn't her bed.

She had a bunk bed this was a single.

Maybe her bed was changed after been wrecked by that bear?

Wondering what else had changed she switched on the lights.

Catbad stirred straight at her.

She jumped, screamed and fell over.

Then she noticed he did not move.

He looked frozen.

Someone had painted a life like picture of him on the wall.

That evil smile grinning down at her.

There was other pictures painted all over the walls drawn like manga.

Pictures of the bear, bran, Cu Culainn in fact the pictures were telling her whole story meeting the red branch knights- the morigan- Pompeii-John- the spear of destiny-then the wall went blank.

Until it ended with one last picture.

Abbie's heart went cold.

It was the death of Cu Culainn.

He was tied to a stone or rock.

1. His head down, drawn and his face looked....Older...his hair seem to be stained red in blood .

The spear of destiny sticking into his dying body and a raven landing on his shoulder.

Something about the picture didn't seem right but what she couldn't figure out.

"Abbie O Boyle!" Said a surprised Miss Finn standing by the door.

She was Abbie's next door neighbour and her old teacher.

"What are you doing in my sons bedroom!"

She ordered in a stern teachers voice.

Abbie didn't answer.

Miss Finn could tell that the child was in shock.

Abbie just stirred at the pictures.

If this is Miss Finns house she realised behind this wall of pictures is her bedroom.

Her bed.

"These pictures when where they- drawn?"

Abbie manage to say.

"Twelve years ago!" Miss Finn replied .

Twelve years! Abbie just looked stunned.

These pictures were behind her wall all her life!

She didn't even notice Miss Finn wrapping her arms around her.

"Come along you poor thing. I'll make us some hot chocolate. We have a lot to talk about."


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Chapter 18

return of the dead.

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