Chapter 3. The bear The Boy and the wardrobe.

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Chapter 3.

The bear, the boy and the wardrobe.

For a moment Abbie thought she was still dreaming and sleepily said.

"Hi are you Balou? do you know the bear necessities?"

That moment ended when the bear roared at her and showed the biggest sharpest teeth Abbie ever saw.

The bear went for her claws out.

Abbie screamed.

Closed her eyes.

Knew she was bear food.

Then she heard the bear yelp in pain?

She opened her eyes.

The bear was no longer attacking her.

It was fighting with a small bear.


A big wolfhound that was biting at its hind legs.

Her room was getting destroyed. TV, desk, curtains, windows all smashed.

"Your hero is here! I have come to save you!"

Shouted a long haired teenage older boy carrying a sword who seemed to jump out of nowhere from the mirrors on her wardrobe.

"Feel the bite of my mighty sword bear!"

The bear swiped its paw at the sword.

The blade broke and fell to the floor.

"Mhmm! That wasn't suppose to happen."

Said the boy looking at the sword handle in his hand.

The bear lunged at him.

The boy punched the bear in the face.

The bear turned towards Abbie.

Abbie could see that the sword handle was jammed into its mouth.

The bear banged round the room trying to free its jaws.

"Let's go!" Said the boy abbie guessed was about sixteen. He held his hand out to Abbie.

"Where to?" Abbie asked.

"Anywhere but here." The boy answered.

Good plan thought Abbie.

The wolfhound was a step ahead of them. He jumped into the mirror and vanished.

As Abbie hurried down her ladder the boy said. "Wait here a minute."

"What! We will be dead in a minute!"

Abbie cried. "Just go!"

"Won't be long!"

The boy told her and left her on the ladder.

He jumped over the bear landed on the floor.

Picked up Abbie's hurly.

Then dived back under the bear.

Grabbed Abbie off the ladder and jumped into the mirror.

Before they vanished from the room he said.

"This hurl feels mighty."


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Next update Friday.

Chapter 4. Behind the mirror.

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