Chapter 10 The red branch traitor.

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Chapter 10.

The red branch traitor.

"Does he brake everything he touches?"

Sighed Catbad in disbelieve looking down at the shattered pieces of his mirror all over newgrange tombs floor.

" I think he's ADHD."

Abbie answered Bran seemed to wag his tail in agreement.

"Benny down the road has it. He keeps breaking things and falling off walls."

"Ask Benny if he wants to become Ireland's greatest warrior." Catbad said taking the empty round mirror frame and placing it on the ground.

"He sounds easier to work with."

"He picks his nose." Abbie squirmed.

"Does he eat it?"

"No! He flicks it."

"Oh. He's one up on Cu Culainn."

Catbad took out a small brown leather flask which was tied around his neck.

Kneeling down he undid the cap and poured water into the middle of the mirror frame.

"Hope you don't have to pee!" Smiled Catbad.

Abbie watched in amazement as water kept pouring out of such a small bottle. A pool grew in the mirror frame growing to its edges.

Just as the water threatened to overflow the mirror frames edge. The water stopped pouring.

One last drop plopped from the bottle.

Abbie watched as it entered the pool. Sending out small ripples that got bigger and bigger as it spread to the frames edges.

Abbie thought the water was going to over flow into the chamber. But instead the water reached the frames edge and shot stright up like a gaizer.

Hitting the roof.

Abbie fell back stunned and deafened by the roar of tonnes of rushing upward water. Terrified that much water is going to fill the whole chamber.

Drowning them all.

Then the pillar collapsed. All the water came crashing down into the mirror frame.

Abbie got up.

Catbad, Bran and Abbie looked down into the frame.

They were looking down into deep blue water.

"That's an ocean." Gasped Abbie.

"Nonsense it's just a stream." Catbad said. "Or.... a river."

Then a giant sting ray floated right past them followed by swrolls of different fish.

"I am not getting in there!"

Abbie screamed.

Moving back away from the ocean abyss.

"But-" Catbad started and was interrupted by roars and screams which filled the chamber.

Something was running down the dark passage towards them.

"Guard's what's going on!" Roared Catbad up the passage way.

"Your guard's are with Bile. God of the dead."

Five warriors entered the chamber.

Swords drawn dripping with blood. But instead of wearing red they wore mostly green.

"Queen Medb's men!" Stated Catbad.

Abbie and Bran got behind him.

"Now give us the crown or we take it and the girls head."

Spoke a voice that stepped out of the shadows of the passage.

It was One Eye.

"We now know who are traitor is!" Spat Catbad.

"You know-." Smiled One eye rubbing his battle axe.

"-Let's just take the girls head anyway!"

"As long as we stand together they won't defeat us!"

Announced Catbad.

He heard two splashes behind him.

He turned.

Abbie and Bran were gone.

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