An Accidental Meeting

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I was working silently in my section, doing my best to keep my head down and just do my job, which right now meant cleaning some of the display windows. But it seemed today would not be my lucky day. "You'll never guess who's coming in today." My coworker, Lizzie, says as she walks into the room.

"Probably not but you'll tell me anyway." I say quietly with a small smile. I had been working here for a little over 6 months now and Lizzie had been one of those thorns in my side that I eventually grew to love.

"Chris Evans." She squeals. I cover my ears before rolling my eyes and getting back to work. "Why aren't you excited?"

"I mean, he's cute and all. But he's here for the museum, not for wife shopping." I say before moving to the next exhibit. Lizzie follows after me.

"You don't know that. Maybe he'll see me and time will stop and everything will just fall into place." She says, staring out the window in a daze.

I roll my eyes. "Real life doesn't work like that. There's no Prince Charming in a gilded carriage that's going to sweep us off our feet and into some glamorous life. Trust me, there's more evil hags in this world than in the fantasy one." I say before heading to the back employee office to grab my things. Today was a short day for us, just cleaning up in our exhibits and then we'd be going home. They were shutting down the museum for filming.

"One of these days, you're going to meet a guy that will do just that Lexi, and then you're going to have to bite your tongue." She tells me. We stop at the little coffee shop down the road and get our drinks to go.

"Yeah, I don't think that will happen." I say before we step back outside and I immediately collide with someone, my drink spilling all down my front.

"I am so sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." A male voice says. Looking up, I'm immediately drawn to blue-green eyes, the same shade the Atlantic gets in the summer. Holy fuck, it's Chris Evans.

"You're ok. Really, it's not that big of a deal." I say, trying to keep my shirt from sticking to me.

"Are you sure? We can exchange numbers and proofs of insurance." He says, a slight smile on his face.

"No that's fine. My job is just around the corner and I keep an extra shirt there." I explain before turning back to Lizzie who looks like she's about to pass out. "I'll text you when I'm back at my place." I tell her before heading back up the way we came.

I'm not paying any attention until I hear him fall into step beside me. "Can I help you with something, Mr. Evans?"

He lets out a low chuckle. "So you did realize who I was?"

"Kind of hard not to. You don't really have a face that blends in."

"And yet, you seemed far calmer than your friend there." He says, pointing back towards the coffee shop.

"Well Lizzie was a little excited when we found out you were the one that was coming to the museum." I say as I unlock the front door.

"Oh dear. What did you do to yourself this time?" Mary, my boss, asks.

"Believe it or not, this time it wasn't something I did." I say, motioning to Chris with my head. "I just came back for my extra shirt and then I'll be on my way again." She nods and I hurry to the back. Once I'm inside, with the door locked, I strip out of my shirt, tossing it into a plastic bag and shoving that into my backpack.

I make my way back up to the front. "He left this for you." Mandy, the front desk girl, says, handing me a piece of paper.

I unfolded it, reading it's contents:

Sorry again about your shirt.
Allow me to make it up to you.

And below that was his phone number. I sigh. If I was any other girl, I would've jumped at the chance to get to know Chris Evans, but I wasn't the type of woman he could be with. I was too broken for that.

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