Unwelcome Guests

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The day after Chris had to leave dawns bright and early. I'd taken to staying at his place most nights with Moose. Dodger seemed to get along well with him and so Chris asked if I could watch Dodger and the house while he was gone. He'd never admit it but I knew he trusted his security system better than my own. So to ease his mind, I agreed.

And while I might have felt safer at night, behind a large gate and cameras, there was little that could ease my mind during the day. I had gotten back home from work that night and left my keys on the hooks by the door. Both Moose and Dodger came running to greet me and I made sure to give them plenty of pets before I headed back to the master bedroom and got in the shower, desperate to wash the stress of the day away.

I'm just about to dry my hair when I hear the dogs start barking like crazy. Heading out to the kitchen I see Tara there, petting Dodger. "What are you doing here Tara?"

She gives me a look before responding. "Chris normally has me watch Dodger while he's out of town. When he didn't text me, I got worried."

"Well, as you can see, Dodger is fine and taken care of. Chris wanted me to stay here and watch him."

She scoffs. "His dad was right."

I look up from where I'm getting the dogs their dinner. "What?"

"His dad was right about you. Chris needs to surround himself with people who aren't going to hurt his image. You, will only tarnish it."

"You don't even know me. But I think it's funny that you're worried about me using him when his whole fan base contemplates how much you do. It's no secret that you sold him the house, you made sure of that." She stares blankly at me. "I don't want him for his fame, or what he can get me. I never did. But you've reaped every benefit that comes with being his best friend. And I think you're scared. You're scared of what a normal, non-Hollywood girl coming into his life means for you. I'm not here to replace you. But if you want to continue you to be threatened by me, that's fine. I can't and won't apologize for being with him when he clearly wants to be with me."

"He's going to wake up one morning and realize that you're not worth the struggle or the bad press when they find out about you, and he'll drop you."

"If that's what he wants, then fine. But that's for him to decide. I know your history with him." She pales at this. "Shanna told me. You had a chance to be with him and you turned him down. I won't be as easily cowed as the girls that came before me. I've faced scarier things than you."

When she sees that she can't bully me around, like I'm sure she's done with the others, she leaves in a huff. I let out a breath I hadn't known I was holding and settled back down in the bedroom with the dogs. I was almost asleep when my phone started ringing. "Hey you." I say with a sleepy smile when I see Chris's face appear on my screen.

"Hey. How was your day?"

"The museum wasn't too busy so it was nice. How about you? How's filming coming along?"

"Pretty uneventful. Everyone here is excited to meet you." I smile at that. It was new, having someone who didn't want to keep me a secret. "Hey, quick question. Did Tara stop by today?"

I furrow my brows in confusion. "Yeah. Why?"

"She called me just before we wrapped for the day, saying she went over to see if you wanted to hang out and you were rude to her. What did you say to her Lexi?"

I look at him shocked. "What did she say I said?"

"That you didn't like that she was coming over. That there wasn't a reason for her to be in my life anymore. That she was using me for my fame."

I feel like I'd been punched in the gut. "And you believe her?"

"She's been my best friend for years Lexi. Why wouldn't I?"

I'm silent for a while. "Wow... Ok then. If that's the only reason you called, I'm going to go. Goodnight Chris." I say quietly before hanging up. I was wide awake now and suddenly the big house was closing in and suffocating me. "Alright boys, let's go." I say, gathering up the dogs and their things before locking up the house and leaving back to mine. I'd call Scott in the morning for him to come get Dodger. I needed out.

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