One Final Meeting

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"To the soon-to-be Mr. and Mrs. Evans!" Scott says as he finishes his speech at the rehearsal dinner and everyone raises a glass. Wedding planning had gone by so quickly. Neither Chris nor I wanted something over the top so we originally set about to just have something small in the backyard... That had been thrown out approximately 2 seconds after it left our mouths. A small, sophisticated wedding at Alden Castle was agreed upon by all parties. Chris insisted upon hiring security for the event and between some of his more... devoted, fans and the ever-present threat of my biological parents in the back of my head, I found myself agreeing with him. They promised not to draw too much attention to themselves and I was able to breathe easier knowing that someone else was worrying about gatecrashers.

We were about to start the fun part of the evening, i.e. the dancing and drinking, when one of the head guards came over to Chris, whispering something in his ear. "If I tell you to stay here, will you listen to me?" he asks me, desperation soaking each word.

"What's going on Chris?" He doesn't say anything, just gets up to follow the security guard out. I sigh and chase after them. I follow them out to the parking lot and stopped dead in my tracks. "What're they doing here?" I ask, walking up to where Chris was standing in the parking lot with my stepfather and mother.

"They were leaving." Chris says, taking a step-in front of me, protecting me from anything that might be said or done.

"I deserve a chance to speak with my daughter." My mother says.

"You deserve nothing!" I yell from behind Chris, pushing myself forward. "You left me! You chose a man over your own flesh and blood. I grew stronger in spite of all the damage you both caused me. I found someone to love me in spite of the baggage." I take a deep breath. "Now you're going to leave and if you even think about showing up tomorrow, I'm not afraid to spend my wedding night in jail for beating the shit out of either one of you. Now leave before I call the cops on you for violating the protective order." I say before turning on my heel and walking back inside.

*24 Hours Later*

"Are you happy, Mrs. Evans?" Chris asks as he spins me around the dance floor during the reception.

"Incredibly. Everything was absolutely perfect." I smile up at him. "Thank you, for everything."

He smiles down at me. "What do you mean?"

"You took the time to break down my walls. You got to know the real me and loved me anyway."

"You're well worth the trouble." He jokes before kissing me.

The night came to an end and we walked outside, hand in hand as our gathered friends and family lit up sparklers, illuminating our path to the car. He stops us at the end of the front walkway and dips me into a low kiss. I laugh as I hear catcalls coming from the crowd. "Here's to the start of forever." He whispers while he opens the door, letting me slide in before him, before we drive off into the night.

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