Not Here

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I was out buying groceries the following week before my shift, going up and down the aisles on autopilot, checking items off my list. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turn around, my heart drops to my stomach and I feel the blood rush out of my face, leaving me light headed. "Hello Lexi." They're here, in my new town, in my grocery store. I thought I was safe. I thought I could start over.

"You can't be here. You aren't allowed to be here." I say quietly, scrunching my eyes shut hoping the horror in front of me would disappear. I hear him laugh, before the sound of his footsteps walking away tell me it's safe to open my eyes.

I finish my shopping as quickly as possible, and hurry to my car, desperate to get home before the panic truly set in and I wasn't able to function. I pull into the driveway, quickly gathering my groceries and running inside. I place the groceries on the counter before turning and locking the doors and setting the alarm system. I get the cold and frozen things into the fridge and freezer before I start breathing heavy, the heavy feeling settling in on my chest. I send a quick text to my boss, letting her know I won't be in today before dialing a number subconsciously, before coming to my senses and hanging up.

No, I couldn't lean on him. I barely knew him and this wasn't something I wanted him to know about. A fall thunderstorm started rolling in, shaking the windows as the thunder boomed over head. I jump when it cracks. I used to love thunderstorms. Now, all they did was give me more anxiety.

I turn off the lights and curl into a ball on the couch, a blanket wrapped around me. In the darkness, I was safe. In the darkness, they couldn't find me. In the darkness, they couldn't hurt me. I break down, letting the tears fall freely, my breaths coming in shallow waves, allowing the darkness to swallow me.

*Chris's POV*

I was at the dog park with Dodger when I got a call and then hang up from Lexi. After some of the things she said during our dinner I had been concerned then when I hadn't heard from her in a few days. "Should we go check on her?" I ask Dodger when he runs up to me. He barks in response. "I agree. Let's go Bubba." I say, hooking him back up to his leash and leading him back to my car.

Lexi didn't answer my calls and I was getting even more concerned. I decided to go to the museum. Maybe she was working and that's why she wasn't taking my call. "Chris, what can I do for you?" Her manager, Heather, asks.

"I was wondering if Lexi was here. We got to talking about some pieces of history and she said she would call me back and never did." I said, making up a lie as I go.

"Oh, Lexi had to call in today. Something about not feeling well." She says.

"Right." Shit! What was I going to do? "Could you possibly give me her address? I know it's typically not allowed but this was really important?" Heather eyes me for a moment before sighing and nodding.

"Mandy, pull up Lexi's personnel file and get him her address. And be discreet." She tells the girl at the front desk.

"Thank you." I tell them both.

"I'm only doing this because I know your Ma Chris. Don't make me regret this."

"Of course not ma'am."

"Here you go." Mandy says, handing me a folded up piece of paper. "She keeps a spare key under the ceramic frog in the garden by the front door."

I nod and heading back outside, walking to my car where Dodger barked through the open window. "Let's go Bubba. Somethings up. I can tell."

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