Operation Turkey Day: Part 1

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"So, what're your plans for Thanksgiving?" Chris asks as he helps me move the Christmas decorations down from the attic. Thanksgiving is on Thursday and it's habit now that the day after, instead of shopping, I put up my tree and other decorations, and typically bake the first of many batches  of snickerdoodles.

"Nothing really. I'm gonna be here, with a frozen pizza and some cheap wine."

"No turkey?"

"No point in cooking a big turkey and all the sides when it's just me." I mumble. He looks at me and I see the pity start to form in his eyes. "Nope! Don't look at me like that. It's ok. I don't mind spending the holidays alone."

"But you shouldn't have to." He goes quiet for a moment and I watch as he contemplates something. "Gimme a second." He says before grabbing his phone and heading out my back door.

I sat there in confusion for about 15 minutes before Chris comes back in, a huge smile on his face. "So you're joining me, and my family, for both Thanksgiving dinners."


"Mom and Dad have been divorced for years so we try to split the holidays. Especially since we've become adults."

"And they're both ok with me being there?"


I look at him oddly. My gut is telling me to run, but it typically did that in normal situations. Anxiety was nothing anyone should be making jokes at. "Ok. What should I bring?"


I laugh and roll my eyes. "You can't invite me and expect me not to bring anything. Now what should I bring?"

He thinks for a moment. "Well... we usually do store bought desserts. And you are, by far, the best baker I know. So maybe some of that pumpkin pie you keep promising me?" He asks with his best puppy dog eyes.

"You're ridiculous. But fine, I'll bring my pumpkin pie."

"You're the best."

"Yeah, yeah. And don't you forget it."


Thursday dawned bright and early, with me out of bed at quarter pass 6, stressing over everything. I had made 2 pies, one for each dinner, the night before and had left them to cool on the counter.

I made sure my hair was curled to perfection and my makeup was done just right before getting into the outfit I had agonized over last night. I chose my signature skinny jeans and a mustard yellow sweater with brown, knee high, riding boots.

At nearly 11 o'clock on the dot my doorbell rang, alerting me that Chris was here

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At nearly 11 o'clock on the dot my doorbell rang, alerting me that Chris was here. I let him in to warm up while I finished getting everything ready for transport. "You know I could've driven myself." I joke.

"But then I wouldn't have had the opportunity to hang out with you before my family monopolizes your time today. Plus with me driving you can hold on tightly to those pies." He laughs at the offended look on my face.

"Ah, I see. You only did this for you." I laugh. He grabs the box I put the pies in from me so that way I can lock up the house and opens the passenger door for me, handing the box over after I get buckled up.

We pass the drive mostly in silence. My nerves start getting the best of me. Chris must have sensed because he grabs my hand, centering me in reality. "It's going to be ok. Can you trust when I say that I'd never intentionally put you in harm's way?" I swallow before nodding. "Good. Cause we're here, and I promise they're all dying to meet you."

He helps me out of the car, grabbing the box from me while leading me to the front door. I take a deep breath and steel my nerves as he opens the door to his childhood home.

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