Operation Turkey Day: Part 3

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This dinner was vastly different from the one at his mom's. His stepmom and sisters were in dresses and his brothers were in little suits. I felt horribly out of place in my sweater and jeans.

No one said anything, and eye contact was minimal. I could tell it was my presence that set everything on edge. I was doing my best not to fold under the pressure but I was having little success. "The food is wonderful, Mrs. Evans." I say quietly from my spot next to Carly. That had been the first thing. I hadn't been allowed to sit next to Chris.

"Thank you." She says curtly, a look passing between her and their dad. I look back down at my plate, focusing on the food there and not my churning stomach.

"What was it you did again? I'm sure Chris told us at one point?" His dad asks.

"I'm a docent at the Concord Museum." I say, confidently this time.

"And you don't have any family in the area?"

I kick Chris's leg under the table when it looks like he's going to tell his dad off. "No sir. My grandparents, the people who raised me, they've since passed."

"And your parents?"

"Couldn't really tell you. They took off the first moment they could." I say, fibbing just a bit. I give Chris a quick look for him to keep his mouth shut on that note.

"And you just happened upon my son?"


"Dad..." Chris warns.

"It's all a little convenient that this girl just shows up out of nowhere and happens upon Chris. No one else sees how suspicious this is?"

"Dad, I'm the one who showed up at her place of work. I spilled coffee on her. She had no way of knowing I'd be there. To accuse her of anything more than just being in the wrong place at the wrong time, is ridiculous."

"You need to be careful who you bring into your circle Chris. What do you really know about this girl? What are you going to do if she sells all of your secrets to TMZ or People or some other media outlet?"

I slam my silverware down, causing everyone to jump. "I won't sit here and be spoken about like this, especially when I have a choice now. Thank you for dinner. It was lovely." I say before placing my napkin on my plate, grabbing my coat and purse and walking out the front door.

*Chris's POV*

No one says anything after the door clicks shut. I go to stand up, grabbing my coat as Scott follows me. "Chris, Scott, you don't have to leave." Dad says.

"Yes, I do. Besides the fact that I'm her ride and I won't let her walk home, what you just did here was completely unnecessary. She's quickly become my best friend and I'm a grown ass man. I think I'm able to make decisions as to who I'm going to trust and be spending my time with. Lexi has been nothing but nice to all of you and you immediately are standoffish and hostile. You snarked at her pie, which she made from scratch for you guys. And then you accused her of doing horrible things." I say before grabbing my keys and leaving, Scott hot on my heels.

We pull out of the driveway and I see Lexi down the block. I speed up and pull off in front of her. "Please get in the car and let me take you home." I plead.

"I'm fine walking, Chris. You should get back to your dinner." She says defeatedly.

"I'm not going back. They had no right to accuse you of any of those things. I'm not worried about it."

*Lexi's POV*

"I'm not going to come between you and your family Chris. This has been nice, getting to know you but I can't keep doing this if it's going to be putting people at odds."

"The only one at odds is my dad. He seems to forget that I'm an adult and am capable of making my own decisions. I trust you. If I hadn't I wouldn't have let you in. He's right in that I'm super careful with who I allow into my inner circle but I let you in."

"I don't want you to have to choose." I whisper. I feel him come up to me and pull me against him.

"You're not. And I'm not saying I'm going to stop talking to him. But on this, I'm not listening." I nod, sniffling a little as I try not cry. "Now, let's go drop off Scott, grab Dodger from my place and go back to yours and watch Disney movies. Tomorrow, we'll decorate for Christmas."

"You really don't have to do that."

"Tough shit. 'Tis the damn season!" He says before opening the car door for me.

"Ho ho ho." I reply just as sarcastically as he gets in and we take off.

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