Chapter 1- The start of the rebuliding

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Raine had been with King and Eda for a few weeks now. The three had grown quite close now, Raine's feelings for Eda were more potent then before the fight. Their feelings were closer to when the two were at Hexside and Raine had a massive crush on Eda. It didn't help that King teased Eda relentlessly about what was in her diary, but only when Raine was in a different room. Raine was going through Penstgram, sitting back on the couch when there came a knock at the door. Raine got up as they assumed it was Katya. They walked over to the door when it swung open.
"Thank you Hooty. Hello Katya! Come in," Raine said, walking back to the couch.
"Who's here?" Eda asked, poking her head down from the top of the stairs. "Oh heya Katya." Katya waved to Eda.
"Oh, uh, I got the Titan blood! Don't ask how, it's best if you don't know," the blue-haired girl passed a bottle of Titan blood to Raine. Raine took the blood and looked Katya in the eyes.
"We can bring everyone back! Thanks Kat!" Eda said, running downstairs and playfully messing the younger women's hair. Katya chuckled a bit at the nickname. Raine just stared at the bottle and Katya with a shocked face.
"Ah, you broke Raine. Well done," Eda let a snort.
"H-How did you get this much Titan blood?!" Raine half-yelled, putting the bottle on a table that was near. "This will be perfect for reanimated the portal!" Eda began to laugh at Raine'd sudden enthusiasm.
"How I got it is a story for another time," Katya chuckled. Amber walked in holding the portal key.
"Yep, but you'll need this to even open it when it's rebuilt," she tossed the key to Eda.
"If you wanna get to actually starting the rebuild it, then we better get going!" Lilith yelled from outside.
"You guys go ahead, I should go get King," Eda stated walking off.
"Yeah, go ahead. I can stay and wait for Eda," Raine smiled. Amber and Katya smirked.
"Okay~ We'll see you lot soon~" Amber cooed, walking out with Katya. Raine's face grew a deep crimson colour.
"Don't leave yet! Oh and Hooty, y'know what to do," Lilith said, walking into the owl house. "I want to have a word with Raine." Lilith then shut the door and walked up to Raine. She put her hand on her hip and looked them up and down.
"Look, even if you haven't changed much, I need you to treat my sister right again. Alright, Whispers?" Lilith said, now looking Raine dead in the eyes. Raine gave Lilith a shocked look.
"I wouldn't hurt Eda! Ever!" Raine said. Lilith nodded, turning towards the door.
"Good," she said, walking out. Raine stood still, waiting for Eda. They just stood in the middle of the room.
"Hurry up King! Oh, Raine. Why'd you stay?" Eda looked over from the door she just walked from to look at Raine. Raine looked over to Eda and gave her a small smile.
"I can't let you go to the old empor's castle alone, now could I?" Raine teased. Eda went a light red from the tone of Raine's voice. Raine chuckle.
"Well, let's go. We shouldn't leave the other's waiting," they said, walking to the door and opened it for Eda and King. Eda whistled and Owlbert came flying in.
"Yeah," Eda walked outside. "Let's go." Eda transformed into her harpy form, then opening her arms. King jumped onto Eda's fluffy arm, climbing up to her head. Raine walked over, getting pulled into Eda's arms. Raine went bright red.
"Hold on tight," Eda said, flying into the air.

Eda landed next to the portal, letting King climb down, when she realised Raine fell asleep to avoid looking at the ground. She let out a small chuckle. Everyone now looked over to see what Eda found funny, seeing the bard sleeping peacefully in Eda's arms.
"Wow. I not surprised at this point," Darius sighed, rolling his eyes. Lilith elbowed him in the rib-cadge, earning a groan.
"Pft-" Eda let out. Amber and Katya looked at the two with a smirk on their faces.
"Ah, sweet sweet inspiration," Katya teased. Amber chuckled.
"Can we get to building?" Lilith interrupted, walking to the broken door.
"Yeah just give me a few minutes," Eda said, now carrying Raine. Everyone nodded, walking over to the broken pieces of the door.
Eda carried Raine over to a remotely clear place close to where the door was. She laid them down near a few broken rocks, trying to put them down as carefully as possible. She took the hairband off her wrist and tide her hair up. She went to walk off, but someone grabbed her wrist. She turned around.
"Oh sorry Raine, did I wake you up?" she asked, smiling at them.
"No, I just felt these rocks scraping up my back," Raine groggily said. Eda chuckled.
"Well, do you want to sleep or do you want to come back to the door with me?" Eda asked. Raine loosened up their grip and passed out again. Eda chuckled again.
"Titan sake Raine," she said as she turned around and walked back.

"You're back! We started, but are confused on a lot of parts," Amber said, rubbing her neck awkwardly. Eda walked over to take a look at the portal.
"Well, give me some parts. I can do this for now," Eda smiled.

The day went by fast. Eda didn't mind working for most of it, she just wanted to see Luz and the others again. The group were talking and joking around when King ran off to where Raine was.
"Oh he's gone," Eda chuckled. "He'll be back when he has had enough sleep. Oh and probably won't let Raine leave." She continued to work on the door.

Raine groaned, waking up. They saw King laying on their chest. They smiled at the young Titan that was asleep on them, picking him up and putting him next to them so they could get to the others. They got up and walked to where the construction was going on. Eda began to laugh while she was working on the door. Her laugh never failed to make Raine blush. They climbed up and walked over to Eda.
"Whatcha working on?" they teasingly asked to the woman. This shocked Eda.
"Raine! Don't do that!" she half-yelled. Raine chuckled. They kneeled down next to Eda.
"Well, let's get back to this," Eda said, more comfortable. They all started talking and joking around again.


Hello :}
The next chapter will be in the human realm with the others.
Any ideas, feel free to put them in the comments
Sighing out :]

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