Chapter 3- A day well spent

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Eda and Raine were sat on the couch, talking. Eda had King laying on the top of her head. The door to the owl house swung open.
"You have visitors, hoot hoot," Hooty said. Three people walked in. Darius, Lilith and Amber.
"What do you three need?" Raine smiled.
"Well, Amber and the others want to spend a day together, but not building the portal," Darius stated. Eda gave the group a confused look.
"So what do you want to do?" she asked.
"I found some old photos and even some videos of when we went to Hexside. Alador and I want to have a look through them. Everyone else seems to like the idea of seeing them too," Lilith smiled. Eda and Raine got up.
"Sounds fun! Where are we doing it?" Eda said, getting King off her head.
"Where we were yesterday, so the portal. Anyway, let's go!" Lilith said.
"I can take these two," Eda said, putting King back on her head. She turned into her harpy form, then pulled Raine into her arms. Darius, Amber and Lilith got on their palismen and flew towards the portal. Eda took off too.

The six landed and walked over to where the meeting spot was.
"Huh? Who was that?" Alador asked. Darius got out his scroll.
"One minute, Hunter texted me," he said, walking to the side. Everyone nodded. Raine and Eda sat down next to each other. Eda put her hand in Raine's, and smiled at them. Raine rested their head on her shoulder.

Darius read the text that was sent by the boy.

Hunter= •
Darius= -)

Thanks for the videos, we loved them
- It's nothing kid.
• What are you doing today?
- We were just gonna watch some old videos from when I was in school. What are you doing in the human realm?
• Probably watch a few movies. I'll show the videos to the others
• I should probs go, the human's mother is calling me. Bye :)
- Bye kid :)

Darius put his scroll away and walked back. He got it back out and snapped a photo of Eda and Raine. He put his scroll back again.
"Ya ready now?" Eda asked. Darius nodded, going to sit down next to the Blights, well, Alador. Amber, Derwin and Katya were sat next to Darius too, so he tapped Ambers shoulder and pointed to Eda and Raine. She then smiled and shook Katya to make her look at the two as well. Darius chuckled at the two then looked back to Alador, who gave him a confused look.
"Don't worry," Darius stated.
"Done! Now we wait for the videos to load. I forgot to mention, most are videos and most of them are of performances," Lilith said, sitting next to Steve. Everyone went quite as the first video began to play.

"Next up, we have, Mx Raine Whispers from the bard track," Principal Bump said. The school clapped as Raine walked on stage, violin in hand. Everyone stopped once Principle Bump spoke up again.
"Oh, it says here Raine will be performing with Miss Edalyn Clawthorne," he stated as Eda walked on after Raine. The school clapped again.
"You may begin," Principal Bump said. Raine started the two off, playing the beginning of a song the two called 'Raine's Rhapsody', allowing Eda to have a bit more time to get ready for the performance. Raine looked at Eda. Eda began to play with them. Raine had their eyes squeezed shut, as to avoid eye contact with anyone. They still played their part perfectly, despite the feeling of knowing how many people were watching them. The two finished and exited the stage, getting cheers and an applause.
The video ended. Raine and Eda smiled.
"That was the first time, other than practice, that we played that together as a duet," Raine giggled.
"And then we used it to try kill Darius and Eberwolf a few months ago," Eda chuckled, looking in the direction of Darius. He scoffed. Everyone went back to being quiet once another video began to play.

Three people walked through the halls of Hexside. Darius, Alador and Odalia.
"Oh look, if it isn't the freak with stage fright," Odalia teased, walking up behind three others.
"Oh look, if it isn't the girl who can't mind her own business for the life of her," Eda said back, standing up for Raine.
"When did I start talking to you Clawthorne?" Odalia asked in an unimpressed tone. Eda shot a glance at Odalia.
"When you decided to make fun of my Rainestorms stage fright," Eda stated, cracking her knuckles.
"Your Rainestorm? Don't make me laugh," Odalia said, looking at Eda. Eda gave the teal-haired girl a glance.
"Did I fucking stutter you entitled bitch?" Eda looked over to Odalia. Odalia shivered. Raines face went red.
"Fight! Fight! Fight!" some passerby's said. Eda smirked. Odalia cracked her knuckles. Eda allowed the other girl the first hit. Odalia went to hit Eda, but Eda grabbed the girls clenched fist and punched Odalia in the stomach, causing her to fall to the ground. Eda then punched the girl as hard as she could in the face.
"Leave them alone you little shit," Eda said, walking off. She gave Odalia the middle finger.
Then the video ended there. Eda was both blushing and had a proud look on her face.
"Your Rainestorm, hm?" Amber cooed, smirking. The next thing was a photo. A photo from the night of grom. The photo had Raine and Eda in the front, both with grom crowns on their heads. There were a few people behind the two, Lilith, Darius and Alador. There were others, but those five could be seen the best.
"My worst fear almost became a reality a few weeks ago," Eda said, looking over to Raine, who was still resting their head on her shoulder. Raine smiled a bit.
"I can feel your eyes on me y'know?" Raine teased.
"I know," Eda smiled. Darius chuckled, he had been recording the two since the end of the last video.
"Are you-?" Alador whispered to Darius, earning a nod. "They'll be pissed when they find out."
"Eda, maybe. Raine, no," Darius whispered back. The two smiled. Darius ended the video.

The day went by like that, videos being played or photos being seen, teasing of the past and getting more videos and photos of Raine and Eda. Mostly everyone agreed to stay out there for the night as a mini sleepover. Everyone had brought some food and drinks. Raine had fallen asleep on Eda's arm. Lilith laid down next to Steve, who was the second person to fall asleep. The Blight twins stayed near Alador while they slept. The group of young adults, Amber, Derwin and Katya, all slept peacefully on the hard ground. The only ones who were not asleep were Eda and Darius.
Darius opened his scroll and clicked Hunter.

The human wants to know if you have anymore photos or videos
Darius then sent the videos and photos he took through to Hunter.
"Who ya texting?" Eda asked, looking at Darius. Darius looked up.
"Hunter," he said. Eda took King off her head and laid Raine down. She got up and went to sit next to Darius.
"Are those-?" Darius started.
"Rainestorms glasses? Yep," Eda chuckled. Darius face palmed. The two began to talk when they heard a soft groan from Raine. Raine crawled over to what looked like the silhouette of Eda. Even though they didn't have their glasses and it was really dark out, they could tell it was Eda. They fell into Eda's chest and fell back to sleep. Darius snapped a quick photo and sent it to Hunter. Eda's face was one of the only things Darius could see. He decided to do a light spell to eliminate the area a bit.
"That's better," he said. Even though Raine was asleep, they could still move their limbs, but they just had no control of them. They wrapped their arms around Eda.
"Pft," Darius let out. Raine fell into Eda's lap.
"Oh shut up," Eda said, lightly punching him in the arm. The two continued to talk until Darius fell asleep. Eda laid back and moved Raine a bit. She missed this feeling. The feeling of Raine laying on her. She played with their earring a bit before she cuddled up to them and fell asleep.


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