Chapter 9- An upesting discovery

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Eda and the others had just finished cleaning the papers from the ground. Eda and Raine stayed up, looking through some of the things they hadn't shown Luz or King. Eda picked up one of the notes and showed Raine. It was an old love letter from a game Hexside had played once for a human holiday called Valentine's Day. It was some kind of a love letter game. That's beside the point, this was a love letter from that game Raine had given to Eda. She had a few like this. This one was her favourite though. She decided to read it out loud.
"Hello Eda, I got told to do this, but this is truly how I've felt since I met you at I.F.W.O.T. I know this game is supposed to be where you tell your crush as a secret, but I can't keep this in for much longer. I love you Eda. I love everything about you, from the way your hair blows in the wind when I play my violin to how protective you can be over Lilith and I. I could keep on going, but I don't want to make this letter too long. Will you be my girlfriend Eda? Love, Raine," Eda finished it by looking at Raine with a small blush and a smile. Raine blushed deeply.
"I-I thought you would've thrown it away or burned it?" Raine stammered. Eda shook her head.
"Why would I do that?" she laughed. Raine leaned onto Eda's shoulder.
"Fair point," they looked up and kissed her cheek. Eda smiled, putting down the letter and putting her head on theirs. They stayed like that for a few minutes. Eda decided to put the letters in the box and go back to cuddling with Raine.

The morning came around, spreading hues of orange and yellow around the living room. This woke Eda, but Raine still laid asleep. She kissed their forehead. She looked up. She mumbled something to herself. Then-
"EDA!" Darius yelled, shocking Raine and probably the kids awake. "Why are there feathers in my house?" Eda slowly moved Raine off of her, walking up to Darius.
"Because I was in your house the other day now fuck off," Eda pushed him out and slammed the door. She groaned, walking back to then couch, allowing Raine to cuddle back up to her. She chuckled a bit.
"Love ya Raine," she whispered.
"Love you too Eda," they whispered back. Squealing could be heard from the stairs. Eda and Raine looked to the stairs to see Luz.
"Luz, don't tell anyone," Eda stated.
"No promises," Luz cooed. The two went red. The young teenager ran back upstairs.
"LUZ NOCEDA!" Eda yelled up the stairs. Laughs and giggles could be heard from upstairs.
"Oh my Titan," Eda was bright red still. Raine laughed a bit.
"You can't really talk here," they kissed Eda's cheek before walking into the kitchen. Eda was left in the living room, shocked. No matter how many times Raine would do that, it would always cause Eda to go all flustered and confused. She loved that one bard. She loved them. She stayed there for a few minutes before Raine called from the kitchen.
"You okay Eda?" they asked. Eda opened her mouth to reply, but no words came out. Raine walked back in.
"Titan, I didn't know I could that to you," Raine laughed. Eda playfully flicked them in the head. The two shared a quick laugh before they both walked to the kitchen.

The kids were already down and breakfast was ready. The four peacefully ate when they heard a knock at the door. Eda got up and was immediately greeted by Amber and Derwin.
"Hey, what up? Need anything?" Eda looked the the two young adults who were stood in the middle of the room.
"Oh well, we were thinking of starting to rebuild everything up from the remains we have," Derwin smiled. "We were wondering if you guys wanted to help." Eda nodded and walked back to the kitchen.
"Guys, get ready. We're gonna help rebuild the Boiling Islas," Eda forced the kids up, but Raine got up before she finished. The four walked into the living room. Eda put King in her head and pulled Raine and Eda into her arms as they walked out. She turned into her harpy form and flew off with the other two.

The group landed in one part of the Boiling Islas which they could only assume was the remaining parts of Bonesborough. Having lived and worked there for many years, Eda knew exactly where to start. A small area with a few broken down house. This place was directly next to the old market, which was also destroyed. There were already a few others attempting to rebuild some of the older markets that had been broken. One face in particular stood out to Luz. Mattholomule. Another face caught Eda and Raine's eyes. Steve. The two were chatting while fixing everything they could.
"Hey Steve!" Eda waved. Steve looked up and waved back.
"Hey Eda, Raine," he smiled. Raine gave a warm smile back before walking over to one of the broken houses. For a reason unknown, Raine felt something off about this house.
"You okay Raine?" Eda asked, walking over to Raine. Raine used a spell to lift up some rocks, revealing two people. Raine gasped, running over to the two people. Eda looked at the bodies, also gasping when she saw the two. They were Raine's mother and sister. They hadn't found the two when healing everyone. They could tell they were too late to help them. Raine fell to their knees next to their dead family members.
"Oh my Titan..." Raine mumbled to themself. Eda kneeled down next to her partner. She put a comforting arm around them, which quickly turned to a hug.
"They were amazing people Raine, they wouldn't want you to be upset about this," Eda said. Raine began to sob. They already missed them, but now couldn't see the two. The two shared a hug for a few minutes. Neither wanted to let go, especially not Raine.

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