Chapter 4- Back home

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Luz, Willow and Hunter had been pulling all nighters for the past few days because of the photos and videos Darius sent Hunter. The others could tell this, but pushed it away. The group had been in contact with Darius and had been getting information about how the building has been going. They did not know that the portal was just a few days away from being finished though.

Hunter suggested a day of watching the videos Darius had been sending through the past few days. Everyone agreed, as they had nothing better to do with their day. It's not like Luz can go to her school right now as Vee has taken her place, and to add onto that, it was a Saturday.
"I have a few photos and videos I haven't showed Luz nor Willow yet so I'll show those too," Hunter said. Everyone nodded. Camila was getting some snacks from the kitchen when Hunter got a message.
Hunter checked to see more videos.
"Ah yes I have more," he stated. Camila came back in and Hunter started the first 3 videos. The next was a few photos that were sent through that day. Then, a video not even Luz had seen yet came on.

"My worst fear almost came a reality a few weeks ago," Eda said, looking over to Raine, who was resting their head on her shoulder. Raine smiled. Raine smiled a bit.
"I can feel your eyes on me, y'know?" Raine teased.
"I know," Eda smiled. Darius chuckled as he had been recording since the end of the last video.
"Are you-?" Alador whispered to Darius, earning a nod. "They'll be pissed when they find out."
"Eda, maybe. Raine, no," Darius whispered back. The two smiled.
The video ended there, leaving Hunter with a smirk.
"Wasn't that your dad's voice Am?" Luz asked, looking over to Amity.
"Yeah I think so," Amity shrugged.
"Next video or photo," Gus said. The next was a photo of Raine with their face buried in Eda's chest, then the next was a photo of the two cuddling.

The next videos played while Luz and Willow slept peacefully. Hunter was still awake, waiting to see if there were going to be any notifications from Darius. Everyone else eventually fell asleep, so Hunter took back his scroll. He checked penstgram, the first post being from Eda. He looked at the photo, then read the caption, then looked back to the photo.
Gay, gay, homosexual, gay.
Hunter went to the comments.
Darius: Like you're one to talk. I have like 100 videos and photos of you two from just the past few weeks.
Lilith: [Replying to Darius] I have a lot but geez.
Eda: [Replying to Darius] huICiGofKoalajwsWtH
Darius: [Replying to Eda] Exactly
Hunter chuckled and kept scrolling.

Hunter had now fallen asleep with everyone else. He probably needed this bro help clear his mind. He wanted to see Darius even more then before now.

The next day had came quicker than expected, but when Hunter opened his eyes, he couldn't see anyone. The only thing he could see was a note. He picked it up and read it.
"Go to the back of the house, to the shack where you fell out from," Hunter read out loud. His face became a confused, yet curious look,
"Flapjack! C'mon! I'm leaving!" Hunter yelled out, catching his palismen in his hand as it flew by. He walked outside and ran to the back of the house, still seeing no one. He felt someone creep up behind him. He quickly turned around.
"Hello kid," Darius smiled to Hunter. Hunter's mouth opened wide.
"Darius!" Hunter yelled, jumping into Darius' arms. Darius smiled.
"Let's get you back, shall we?" Darius asked to the teenager. Hunter nodded. They walked to the door and walked back to the demon realm.

"This isn't as bad as I thought it would be," Camila said. Luz frantically looked around for any sign of Eda, King, Raine or Lilith(and Hooty), spotting a little Titan running towards her. King hugged Luz's leg.
"You're back!" King screeched. Luz bent down and pulled King off her leg and into a hug.
"King? Where did you-" Eda walked up to the portal. "Luz!" Eda ran up to Luz and joined the hug.
"Thanks god you're okay!" she yelled. Raine walked over and pulled Eda off.
"Titan, give the girl space to breathe," Raine teased.
"You just want me all to yourself, don't you Rainestorm?" Eda teased back. Raine went a deep crimson colour.
"What?! No!" they yelled. Eda laughed. Luz got up.
"Heh, thanks Raine," Luz said. Raine smiled back.

"Dad! Ed! Em!" Amity yelled, running over to the three. She tackled them to the ground and hugged them tight.
"I've missed you!" said Amity.
"We missed you more Mittens," Edric teased. Emira laughed.
"I don't even care about your crap jokes right now," Amity smiled.
"Good to see you kid,"Alador said.
"Good to see you too dad," Amity replied.

"Dad!" Gus yelled, jumping at his father. Perry gave his son a hug.
"Hello Augustus," he said. Gus pulled out of the hug.
"I've missed you so much!" Gus yelled.
"It's only been a few weeks, calm down," Perry chuckled. Gus smiled.
"I don't care," Gus muttered, hugging his dad again.

Willow came up behind her dads. She jumped onto the two of them from behind, an arm wrapped around both of them.
"Willow!" Gilbert hugged her and his husband.
"It's so good to see you," Harvey said, also now hugging the two people beside him. They didn't say much else, they just enjoyed each other's embrace.
"I love you dads," Willow said.
"We love you too sweetheart," the two men said in unison.

"You slept? Am I sure I took the right kid?" Darius teased. Hunter elbowed his side.
"Oh shut up," Hunter smiled.
"Now you're smiling! I must've taken the wrong kid," Darius put his hand on his chest dramatically.
"Oh come on!" Hunter half-yelled.
"I'm kidding," Darius said, placing his hand on Hunter's shoulder. "It's good to see you again." The two shared a warm smile. Hunter hugged Darius, still smiling. Darius hugged the boy back.
"God, you're a mess kid," Darius joked. Hunter lightly hit his back.
"You too idiot," he chuckled.


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