Chapter 8- A surprise for Vee

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Eda stared at the young Titan. She tried standing up, but falling back down. Raine caught her and helped her up, also standing up in the process.
"King?!" Eda yelled. King ran over to Eda and climbed onto her head. Eda chuckled, petting his head.
"Where were you King?" Eda asked. King jumped onto Eda's shoulder, then to her arms.
"I can't tell you right now, you'll find out soon!" King looked up to Eda's face.

Raine went to find everyone and find out where in the Boiling Islas they had went. They gathered everyone up and brought them back to the portal.A small smile came across Kings face, which quickly turned to a smirk. He jumped from Eda to Luz, crawling onto Luz's shoulder. He whispered something into her ear, earning a smirk. Eda walked next to Raine, giving them a look. Raine nodded. The two walked in front of everyone and Raine whistled. Everyone looked over.
"I think we should get King to tell us why he was in human realm," Eda sighed. King looked at the two.
"Like I said, you will find out soon!" King half-yelled to the two.
"You better," Eda said sarcastically. Everyone looked between King and Eda. Everyone else went back to talking while Eda and King stared at each other.
"She's not going to leave you alone about this until you tell her," Raine said. King nodded.
"So why don't you just tell her?" Raine said again. King shrugged. Everyone walked off as the tension rose.

King was by the portal, waiting for Titan knows what with Vee. King had told Vee that when he told her she would love this and to cover her eyes when he told her to. Eda had chosen not to question it, as she got some time to tell Luz a bit more about her backstory, and even Raine had joined in.
"Okay so you two used to date right?" Luz asked out of no where. The two adults faces went bright red, both embarrassed and flustered. Eda hesitantly nodded. Luz's face now had a confused look plastered onto it.
"Did you two not have any hard feelings when you reunited?" Luz asked. Eda looked at Luz with a confused look, same with Raine.
"No? I knew why Raine broke up with me, and I knew what I had done, so?" Eda said. Luz looked even more confused now. Eda sighed.
"Raine help me out-" Eda was about to say when she realised Raine was a bright red.
"Oh for Titan sake Luz, you broke them," Eda sighed, snapping her fingers in front of Raine's face, causing them to fall back.
"You okay?" Eda chuckled. Raine nodded, getting up.

The three continued to talk about things from their past for hours when a similar topic came up. Grom dates.
"So since you two dated, did you go to grom together?" Luz cocked her head as she asked the question. Eda nodded.
"It was actually quite similar to your experience with the Blights kid," Eda looked at her partner. Luz's face lit up.
"Can you tell me about it?" Luz asked. Eda laughed a bit.
"Sure kid, let me just go get something real quick," Eda said, walking upstairs to her room. She came back a minute later with a dress, a crown, a photo and an old potion bottle. She set them down on the table near the chair. She picked up the dress first.
"This was the dress I wore that night. It got a little torn, but eh," Eda smiled. Raine picked up the old, empty, broken potion bottle. They laughed a bit, remembering what happened that night.
"Titan, that was a hectic night," Raine looked at Eda, slowly putting the glass down.
"Yeah, well Luz, I threw an exploding potion at grom while Raine played the violin to keep it down," Eda smiled. Luz was so close to squealing. Luz decided to pick up the photo. It had a few people in it, only a few she could make out. There were two upfront who Luz could tell were Eda and Raine. The two had grom crowns placed on top of their heads. There were people behind them who Luz could make out, but she didn't look much at them. She then pick up the grom crown, putting the picture down. The crow had collected dust from being in that box for years on end, never getting taken out nor looked at. Luz put the crown down, smiling at Eda.

King noticed the portal door beginning to open. He jumped a bit at this, but still told Vee to cover her eyes. She hesitantly did so. A few people walked up and sat down near Vee.
"Andddd, open!" King smiled. Vee opened her eyes, greeted by her friends from the human realm.
"Guys!" Vee jumped onto the four, a wide smile covering her face. King loved to see her happy. The four shared a hug when King had decided to walk off. The group began to catch up a bit, Vee noticing absence of King. She shrugged it off and continued talking.

King bursted through the door to the owl house, shocking the other three awake. There were things covering the floor and table.
"Oh hello King!" Luz said, her voice coming out as a low grumble as she rubbed her eyes, still tired. Eda yawned. King walked over to the table.
"What happened?" King picked up the first picture he saw, along with an old note. He smirked as he saw the old photo.
"Nevermind," he put the two things down. Someone else then burst through the door. Darius.
"Why does everyone keep bursting through my door?!" Eda yelled. Raine laughed a bit.
"Whispers!" Darius yelled. Raine smirked.
"Yes Deamonne?" Raine still had that stupid smirk on their face. Darius' hair was flowing around.
"Why the FUCK is my house COVERED in pride flags?!" Darius was pissed, you could tell that just from his face alone. Raine let out a small giggle, which made Eda blush a bit.
"I don't know, why is it Darius?" Raine acted clueless, yet still had that smirk in their face. Darius sighed, not giving up, but trying to calm himself down.
"What did you do song-bird?" Darius was slowly losing his patience with Raine. Raine couldn't hold it in any longer. They burst out laughing.
"Well, it wasn't actually my idea. It was Hunter's," Raine had stopped laughing. Darius' face went from angry to confused within a second.
"Hunters idea?" Darius looked very confused, and sounded it too. Raine nodded.
"All Hunters idea, he just knew I had a bunch of pride flags," Raine said, still smirking. Darius face palmed.
"For Titan sake that kid is gonna be the death of me," he walked out, slamming the door behind him.

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