Chapter 6- The party

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It was a Saturday and Eda had planned the party for that night. She chose today because no one would be at school and would have to wake up for school the next day, so it was perfect.
"Edaaa I don't know what to wearrrr," Luz whined. Eda looked at Luz.
"And what do you want me to do?" Eda joked. Luz frowned.
"I'm kidding, I'll help," Eda chuckled. Luz's face lit up. Raine walked in. They sat down next to Eda.
"Hey Raine, you okay?" Eda asked. Raine nodded, rubbing their eyes.
"Can you please help me find an outfit?" Luz pulled Eda off the couch.
"Sheesh, you didn't give me much of a choice kid," Eda groaned. Luz smiled.

Luz pulled some clothes out of a large box of Eda's old clothes that would fit her.
"Should I wear a dress? Should I wear something comfy?" Luz said, throwing multiple clothes onto the floor. Eda leaned down since she saw something that she could wear.
"Stop kid. What about this?" Eda asked, holding up a white dress with longish, purple sleeves. Luz's face lit up with a smile.
"It's perfect!" Luz squealed. Eda began to dig through the pile again. She found a nice pair of tights with a star pattern in them. She put them with the dress.
"What is your shoe size?" Eda looked up to Luz.
"5 1/2," Luz said, walking with Eda to the next box.
(AN: This is the UK shoe size)
"Here, look through these," Eda said, passing the box to Luz. Luz began to look through it when she found a good pair of shoes. A pair of black boots.
(This is what I think it'll look like)

The two walked downstairs, Luz's clothes in her arms

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The two walked downstairs, Luz's clothes in her arms.
"You two okay? I heard multiple things fall," Raine walked to the stairs. Eda nodded.
"She was throwing everything on the floor," Eda pointed to Luz, who smiled. Raine face palmed.
"Yeah, now I see why you like her," Raine mumbled, loud enough for Eda to hear. Eda flicked Raine in the forehead.
"Oh shut up," Eda joked, walking off to the couch. Luz ran upstairs to put her new outfit on. Raine walked over to the couch and sat next to Eda. The two sat, hand in hand.
"Darius is gonna tell everyone before we even get the chance," Raine said, half-joking. Eda rolled her eyes, removing her hand from Raine's.
"He better not," she stated, moving her arm onto Raine's shoulder. Raine leaned their head on her shoulder. The two sat in comfortable silence, enjoying the other's embrace.

Lilith came over to help Raine with what to wear as they did not know what they should wear. Luz was waiting for Hunter, Vee, Gus, Willow and Amity to arrive, sitting on the couch. Eda was in her room going through her clothes to see what she should wear. She found a sleeveless black V-neck shirt and a pair of dark red jeans to pair with it. She looked through her shoes, not finding anything good, so stuck with her boots.
(I cannot be bothered to make one for her bc I'm lazy as shit🥲)

Eda put her hair up in a ponytail, did some natural makeup and added some finishing touches to the outfit. She walked downstairs and waited with Luz. Raine and Lilith came down a few minutes later, Raine's face covered in a light coat of blush, which Eda could tell was from embarrassment. Raine wore a black blazer jacket, paired with a red button up and dark grey jeans. They wore their boots and had light makeup on, which Eda could only assume Lilith forced them to wear. The hickey was luckily not noticeable. Lilith wore the back dress she used to always wear, but without the blue gem on the middle of her chest. Even though not very noticeable, she was wearing black lace up shoes. She finished the outfit with light makeup and her hair tied into a braid. Luz and Eda looked at the two with shocked looks on their faces.
"I- Well done Lily," Eda winked at Raine, earning them to go a bright red. Lilith smirked. Eda noticed this and also went a bright red. Lilith chuckled a bit, causing Luz to grow curious on what happened.

The tension and silence was soon broken by a knock at the door, followed by it swinging open, reviling Darius, Hunter and the Blights. Luz ran over and hugged Amity. The others greeted the Blights and the other two and let them in. Amity and Luz then walked next to the group of people as more walked in.

Everything was running smoothly until Hunter started feeling odd. He sat down, but that hadn't helped. He held his eye, the pain kept growing from his head and his eye. Slowly, a green scar began to form. This scar was shared shocking similarities to Belos'. Hunter began to groan as the pain grew. Everyone now surrounded him, trying to help comfort him as best they could. No one knew what they should do. Hunter stopped groaning and slowly looked up, the eye with the scar now a teal colour. Everyone backed away as the boy stood up.
"Hello," Hunter's voice was not the same. It sound slightly deeper.
"I would "hate" to ruin your little party, but I must finish my job," Hunter said, looking the coven heads. "Even if I no longer have the collector." Luz's eyes widened, realising who this was.
"You're... How are you..?" Luz stammered, but got cut off by the sprit in Hunter laughing.
"Even the smallest drop of my dead body can allow me control to the person," it said. The coven heads stepped forward. Raine gave Eda an apologetic look. Eda was now filled with fear, tears begin for form in her eyes. Raine pulled out their violin and began to play. The other coven heads began to do their own part. Soon, Hunter was in the floor, yelling in pain. The sprit of Belos was leaving him. The coven heads were all shocked this was working. The scar began to fade and Hunter's eye went back to the magenta colour it was before. The coven heads stopped, realising they did their job correctly. Raine put their violin away as the blond boy fell to the ground.

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