Chapter 7- missing

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Darius paced around the room outside where Hunter was. The blond boy had been out since the party a few nights ago. The scar came and went a lot within these few days. Alador had dropped the Blight kid's off at the owl house a couple hours ago, so waited with Darius, trying his best to keep the old coven head calm.
"Darius, I'm sure he'll be fine. We don't have anything to worry about," Alador got up and put a comforting hand of Darius' shoulder. Darius threw himself into Alador's arms. He began to cry into the mans shoulder, gripping onto the back of his shirt.
"I-I'm just worried Al... What if we didn't help him in time? W-What if... What if we were too late on bringing him in?" Darius' voice was cracking and breaking as he spoke. Alador lifted Darius' head from his shoulder and wiped the salty tears that fell from his eyes.
"We called the healing coven as soon as he passed out Darius, I'm sure that we won't have to worry about that," Alador gave him a warm smile. Darius gave one back.
"Thanks," he muttered under his breath. Alador laughed slightly.
"You're welcome," he whispered. The two sat in comfortable silence, waiting for the member of the healing coven to come out.
"Hello. I think you would be glad to know that Hunter is now awake. He is also fine," said the member of the healing coven. She walked over with a polite, yet obviously forced smile.
"Thank you so much," Alador smiled on behalf of the two of them. Darius only gave a small smile before walking to the room that held Hunter.

"Hey kid," Darius walked over to Hunter. Hunter had a slight smile plastered on his face at the sight of a familiar face.
"Darius," Hunter waved, he hardly had the energy to get up and hug him.
"The others will love to know you're okay," Darius sat on the side of the bed. "So wanna go see them?" Hunter smiled and nodded, slowly getting up.

The three left the house and walked over to the portal. Everyone was chatting and laughing. Darius cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. Luz sprung up and ran over to Hunter. Everyone else walked over.
"Give him some space kid," Eda chuckled, lightly pulling Luz off Hunter. "Good to see ya kid." Raine gave Hunter a warm smile. Willow and Gus ran up to him and practically leaped onto him. Luz then joined the three. They all laughed.
"Oh my Titan," Darius muttered. He walked off to the side of the cliff which used to hold the castle and looked out over the ruins of what was once the Boiling Islas. Alador followed him.
"You okay Dar?" Alador asked in a concerned tone. Darius looked to Alador.
"What if something like that happens again? What if we can't protect the people who lived through the draining spell? What if-?" Darius started to ramble, but got cut off by Alador pulling him in for a hug.
"Then we'll fight again. Even if we can't protect everyone, we will know we at the very least tried," Alador smiled. "So don't give up hope so easily." Darius pulled out of his embrace and gave him a genuine smile. The two walked back.

"No Edalyn," Lilith sighed. Eda was holding an old coven scout over another edge of the cliff.
"Why not?" Eda smirked. Raine lifted the coven scout out of Eda's grasp and moved it to float over the bottom of the cliff.
"What happened while we gone? Oh and also we were only gone for 2 minutes," Darius rubbed the bridge of his nose. Raine turned to face Alador and Darius.
"I'll let Eda explain," Raine realised the coven scout, dropping them down to the ground(which was a long way down and had no water).
"Oh my Titan!" Lilith shrieked. Darius walked over and looked down.
"Yeah, their dead," he shrugged, turning back to face the others. Lilith's face became a worried expression while Eda and Raine high-fived. Alador face palmed and pulled Darius away from the edge. Darius looked around.
"Oh my Titan where are are kids?" Darius asked, now panicked. Everyone shrugged.
"You're all no help," Darius mentally face palmed, walking off to find them. Alador walked off after him.
"He's gonna be pissed when he finds out," Eda joked, leaning back.
"Are you two actually, y'know, back together?" Lilith asked, whispering the last bit. Raine looked around.
"You think I'd let her give me a hickey if I didn't still love her? Also now we are, yes," Raine whispered to Lilith. The older Clawthorne smirked. Eda flicked the other woman's scull.
"You better not tell anyone Lils," Eda joked. Lilith rolled her eyes.
"I won't. What kind of a sister would I be if I did that?" Lilith finished her sentence off with a rhetorical question. Eda looked her in the eyes.
"You cursed me Lily," she sighed. Lilith's face grew shocked, then slowly relaxed.
"Fair point," Lilith shrugged. Darius and Alador walked back with most of the kids.
"Uh problem. King is missing," Alador spoke up. Eda gave the group a glare. Everyone looked at her, genuinely not knowing what happened to the young Titan. Eda bolted up and immediately turned into her harpy form. She flew off in only a few seconds of being in the form.

Eda flew down to the owl house and swung the door open.
"King! King! Are you here?" Eda yelled out, to no avail. She was on the brink of tears, running around the house, searching every nook and cranny for any sight of her adopted son. She was now so close to crying that she didn't even remember where the last place she checked was. She searched around the house again as fast as she could and bolted out of the house. She searched everywhere, but could still not find the young Titan. She ran back to the portal. She walked up to Raine and buried her head in their neck. She began to sob, grabbing hold of the back of Raine's shirt.
"What happened Eda? Could you find him?" Raine asked worried. Eda shook her head at the last question.
"H-He's missing Ra-Raine..." Eda sobbed into the bards shoulder.
"We'll find him Eda," Raine rubbed Eda's back in comfort. "Everyone, go search. I'll stay here with Eda for a bit then I'll help you look." Everyone obligated and walked off in different directions. Someone then jumped from the portal.


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