Chapter 5- Together again

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Now that Luz and the others were back, and had brought guests, Eda thought it would be a fun ideas to take a break from rebuilding the Boiling Islas by having a party. The idea spread fast and everyone was on board with it, so Eda got to planning.

While Eda was thinking on what they could have at the party, Raine came up behind her and laid their head in her hair.
"I'm tired," they mumbled.
"So the first place you go is into my hair?" Eda teased, getting a flick on the forehand from Raine. "Ow! Wait- I think I know what could wake you up." Eda smirked, turning to face Raine.
"Hm? Woah!" Raine got pushed to the ground by Eda. Raine's face grew red. The two were about to kiss, but got interrupted by Hooty swinging the door open.
"You have a vi- Nevermind hoot hoot," Hooty said, swinging the door open. Someone then walked in. Darius. He looked around the room, the last place he looked being the floor. His face went from confused to disgusted.
"So this is what you do when your kids are out..." Darius snapped a quick photo then ran out, Hooty slamming the door behind him.

Make out scene
"I- Uh- Um- Let's act like this never happened..." Eda stated, but instead of a response, Eda's head got pulled to face Raine's. Raine pulled Eda's head down and kissed her, wrapping their arms around her neck. Eda melted into the kiss quickly. Eda removed Raine's hands from behind her neck to over their head. She pecked them on the lips. Eda opened her mouth as a way of asking for permission, without asking. Raine opened their mouth too, allowing Eda to start using tongue. Eda started to bite Raine's lips before she had started using tongue. The two could feel each other's breath on their skin. Eda began to use tongue. Raine began to ran their hands through Eda's hair. They were now sat up. Eda picked Raine up and stood up. She brought Raine to the couch and laid them on it. Eda now had them pinned to the couch. Eda pulled away.
"Can I?" she asked. Raine nodded, knowing what Eda meant. Eda took Raine's shirt off, placing it on the end of the couch. She leaned down and began to suck on Raine's neck. Raine's neck began to bruise where Eda had been sucking.
Make out scene finished

Eda leaned back up and looked Raine in the eyes.
"I missed doing that," Eda chuckled. Raine smiled.
"Me too," Raine chuckled back. The two were now just starting at each other.
"God, I love you Raine..." Eda stated. Raine smiled at Eda.
"I love you too," they replied.

The door then swung open again. Eda turned to see Darius standing there again. Raine's face went bright red.
"Oh Titan, you went that far- Wait... Is that a hickey?!" Darius yelled. Eda went red.
"Titan... I just wanted to get something I left..." Darius muttered, walking into another room.
"I hate you so much.." Raine said.
"Mhm, sure." Eda sat up and looked at Raine. She stared at Raine's body, well, the scars from their top sugary.
"Yeah bye, enjoy that," Darius said, walking out.

The next 2 days just went by like a breeze with Eda planning the party. One problem though, Darius had blackmail on Eda and Raine.
"Rainedeer! Come here a sec!" Eda yelled up the stairs to her partner. Raine walked downstairs to see Darius.
"Don't call me tha- Oh hey, what'd you need Darius?" Raine asked, give Darius a kind smile.
"I need you to do a little something for me," he said. Eda gave him a confused look.
"I need you to get me something from the human realm," he said in his usual sarcastic tone. The two gave him a confused look again.
"Why do you need us for this? We have two humans?" Raine asked. Darius smirked.
"Well, do you want someone to find out what happened on Wednesday," he teased. Their faces went red.
"Fine, what is it?" Eda asked.
"I need you to get me some human plant called a cactus," he said. Eda shrugged.
"Sure, I think we can do that," Eda said. Darius nodded before walking out.
"So what's a cactus?" Eda looked over to Raine. Raine shrugged.
"I'll ask Luz," she stated, walking off to the door. "You coming?" Raine walked up to Eda and took her hand.
"Where are we going?" they asked.
"Blight Manor, Luz said she'd be there if we needed her," Eda smiled, grabbing Raine's waist. She turned into her harpy form and flew off.

Eda and Raine went off to the Blight Manor to find Luz. Eda landed by the door and knocked on it. Someone opened the door. Edric.
"You wanna see Luz, correct?" he asked the two people at the door. Eda nodded, still holding Raine's waist. Edric moved out of the way and let the two in.
"She's in Mittens room," Edric said. "Come, I'll bring you to her!"

The three walked up to Amity's room and knocked on her door. Edric opened it to see the two girls cuddling.
"Cute," Edric said. Amity turned into a tomato.
"Oh hey Eda, hey Raine! What'd you need?" Luz asked.
"Question, what's a cactus? And where do we buy one?" Eda got straight to the point. Luz gave the two a confused look, then looked at Edric. He shrugged.
"Uh well a cactus is a plant from the human realm. It is green and has a lot of spikes on it. You can normally buy them in any place that sells either home decor or plants," Luz said, still with a confused look.
"Well, uh, where is you mother?" Eda asked the young girl.
"She's by the portal for some reason," Luz stated.
"Okay. Thanks kid. Have fun," Eda said, leaving the room.
"What was that all about?" Luz asked.
"I think Darius wanted this human plant," Emira said, poking her head through the door.
"Now I wanna know why Eda said yes. She doesn't really like earth," Luz pondered for a moment. "Oo maybe Darius has blackmail on her!" Emira walked in and leaned on the wall.
"Then why would Raine tag along?" she asked.
"Their Raine. Have you seen how they act around Eda?" Luz stated.
"True," Emira replied.

Raine and Eda walked up to the portal where Camila was sat.
"Hey, we need your help with something," Eda called out. Camila looked up.
"Yeah? What's up?" she asked.
"Mind helping us find a cactus for Darius in the human realm?" Raine asked. Camila nodded. The three went through the portal to the human realm. Raine covered Eda's and their's ears with a cloaking spell. The three walked to the shop.

Camila was the last person to leave Earth. She will miss living there, but knows the demon realm would be better for her. She jumped into the portal. It slammed behind her.
"Oh and guess what I saw on Wednesday Lulu, hoot hoot," Hooty practically screeched.
"What did you see Hootcifer?" Lilith chuckled at the demon.
"Raine and Eda-" Hooty got cut off by Eda yelling.
"No! I- I mean... It's nothing!" Eda and Raine were bright red.
"Oh hello you two!" Lilith smiled at her sister and Raine. "Oh, Raine. Why are you wearing that? It's really hot out?" Raine went a deep crimson colour.
"I-I'm just cold," they stammered, trying to sound convincing.
"Really? You used to-" Lilith was about to say, but stoped. She began to put the pieces together.
"Wait- Did you two actually-?" Lilith asked. The two nodded.
"Pft- I knew it wouldn't take long considering you now live together," Lilith teased. "Does anyone else know?" Eda nodded.
"Wait- Who?" she asked Raine and Eda. Eda groaned.
"How about we stop talking about that?" Eda asked, annoyed.
"Fine," Lilith sighed. They began to walk back to the owl house.

Eda opened the door and walked inside. She looked at her couch. She was not surprised to see Darius.
"Did you get it?" he asked. Eda nodded.
"Where is it then?" he asked again.
"Your house," Eda groaned. "Now, I want sleep." Eda began to drag Raine upstairs.
"Hey!" Raine yelled. Eda continued to pull Raine. The two then disappeared down the halls.
"Are they dating again?" Lilith looked at Darius. He shrugged.
"Probably," he said. "Bye Lilith." He waved goodbye to Lilith and walked into the forest.
"Now we won't see him until tomorrow," Lilith sighed, looking at where Hooty was supposed to be. Hooty had already made his way to the door.
"Yep, hoot hoot," Hooty stated.
"Well, goodbye Hootcifer!" Lilith then left into the forest.

Up in Eda's room, the door was shut, the room was dark and Eda had been changing into something comfortable.
"Can I turn around now Eda?" Raine asked.
"Mhm, let's got to sleep. We have a long day ahead of us," Eda chuckled, getting into her nest. Raine took off their glasses and laid them on the nightstand. They went to lay on top of Eda's chest.
"Yeah, goodnight," Raine mumbled into Eda's neck.
"Night Rainestorm," Eda said, groggily.

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