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Before I start I just wanna thank you for the support on this book, I absolutely love seeing this still getting engagement a year later. Thank you all so so much, and I'm glad I wrote this. <3

Oh btw time skip, same as WAD



"Lilith Clawthorne!" Eda stormed into the front/living room of the owl house. Lilith was sat there, sipping Eda's apple blood. "Give me that!" Eda snatched her apple blood back. Lilith snickered.
"I already drank it, dear sister," Lilith teased. Eda gave her a glare.
"You bitch!" Eda yelled jokingly.
"Eda!" Raine yelled. Eda gave a slight smirk. "Sorry- Didn't mean to yell, but don't swear in front of King!"
"Bitch!" King yelled mockingly. Eda burst out laughing and Lilith just sat there, shocked.
"King!" Raine yelled again, pushing up the brim of their glasses and rubbing the bridge of their nose. Eda threw her arm around their shoulder.
"Rainedeer, you swear in front of him all the time when you're drunk," Eda said, kissing her spouses cheek. Raine blushed and pushed her away jokingly.
"Oh shut up, I don't get drunk often. He hardly does hear me swear," Raine smiled. Before Eda could say something in response, Luz and Amber came bursting through the door.
"Hey bitchesss!" Luz yelled. Amber chuckled.
"Oh I give up-" Raine said under their breath, making Eda chuckle.
"Hello Luz!" Lilith smiled, giving the girl a hug. Luz hugged back, smiling. King joined. They all pulled out of the hug.
"What's up with you two? You seem- well, energetic," Eda snorted. Amber beamed and Luz went red.
"Luz came to get some advice and I'm just here to make sure she doesn't chicken out!" Amber put her arm over Luz's shoulder. Luz rolled her eyes.
"Well?" Raine asked, grabbing their wife's hand.
"I was gonna ask... for some advice... on how to propose to Amity," Luz rubbed her neck awkwardly. King and Lilith began squealing.
"Waaah!" King let out happily. Raine and Eda smiled, looking at each other, then back at Luz.
"And you came to us? You should've seen when Eda proposed to me." Eda playfully elbowed them, earning a laugh from King, Luz and Amber.
"Oh shush. You said yes!"
"Because I know you, so I knew how cheesy it would be." Raine kissed their lovers cheek. "Besides, I did wanna marry you."
"Anyway, sorry kid. I don't know how much help we'll be," Eda shrugged, arm now around Raine's shoulder.
"It's fine! I can just go to Darius or something," Luz smiled, waving as she left. She made her way to the Blight's house. She knocked on the door,  Alador opening it.
"Hello, Luz. Can I help you?" Alador asked tiredly.
"I need some advice. You gave me your permission to propose to your daughter, but how am I supposed to propose? I wanna make sure it's perfect," Luz smiled, fiddling with her fingers.
"Eda told me that's what you said about asking her out, but it wasn't. Honestly, Amity loves you as you, so just do whatever you think she'll like," Alador smiled slightly at Luz. Luz nodded.
"Uh-. Is she home? I think I have an idea," Luz asked. Alador called Amity down, Amity in an outfit that Willow and Hunter made for her for her last birthday.
"Hola, batata!" Amity smiled.
"Hi, sweet potato! Come on, I have a surprise for you!" Luz grabbed Amity's hand, dragging Amity away to the human realm. "Sooo, you like rollercoasters?"
"You know I do! Wait, where are we going?" Amity smiled, still holding Luz's hand.
"Well, first, we'll go buy some theme park tickets, then we can go for lunch wherever you want, we can go to the park or the shops or something, then we can go back to the demon realm for your surprise!"

That night bc I'm fucking lazy asf:D

Luz bought Amity to the tree that bloomed during their grom dance in Hexside that somehow still stood. They sat down, talking, laughing, joking, for around 10 minutes before Luz stopped. "Sooo, you wanna know your surprise now?"
"It's been a whole day, of course I do," Amity smiled. Luz stood up, grabbing Amity's hands and helping her up too. They looked into each other's eyes, still holding hands. Luz took a deep breath.
"Amity Blight. You're my best friend, my girlfriend, the love of my life. I know when we first met, you thought I was weird and we didn't get along, but then we got to know each other and I realised that we're weirdos together. I'm so glad that I met you. I'm so glad you decided to be a better person towards me. I'm so glad that you love me for me. I'm so glad I fell for you. I know you've hand it rough, but you've grown so much, and you're so so strong. Thank you for everything. I only have one question for you now," Luz got down onto one knee, still holding one of Amity's hand. Amity was confused, but smiling. Luz got out the ring. It was custom made, the stone in it made out of a part of her grom crown. Amity covered her mouth with her free hand. "Will you marry me?" Amity practically tackled Luz to the ground.
"Yes! Oh my titan, yes, of course I'll marry you!" Luz and Amity were both now crying, Luz putting the engagement ring on Amity's left ring finger. "I love you, Luz Noceda."
"I love you too, Amity Blight." The two shared a kiss, tears streaming down both's cheeks.


I thank you again

I loved writing this, I'm so sorry it took so long to release, I had writers block for this for so long

It's hard to believe that I met my best friend from making this and now I'm in a qpr with them

I absolutely love reading all the comments written on this book, I love seeing how many reads this has got. This is my best doing book and I couldn't be prouder. Thank you<3

I might rewrite this just to see how much I've improved over a year. I think I'd have fun rewriting this. If that's something you'd be interested in, please tell me:]

Again, I thank you for supporting a young writer on a book they made out of boredom. I love you all(especially you Nyx)<3

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