Chapter 10- Finally

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The two stayed in the other's embrace for a few minutes before someone had walked over.
"Hey we kind of- Nevermind. I'll let you be," Darius said, only taking one look at the two before walking back to some other houses. The two let go of each other. Eda wiped some tears for Raine's eyes and face. She planted a kiss on their forehead before standing up, helping them up as she did.
"Your family were amazing Rainedrop," Eda gave a comforting smile Raine's way. Raine smiled at that nickname. It was one Meimu, Raine's sister, used for them all the time when the two were young.
"I know. I'll miss them. Say, do you have any plant glyphs on you?" Raine look up to Eda. Eda let go of their hand and rummaged around a small bad she had brought. She pulled out two plant glyphs. She passed one to Raine. The two did the spell at the same time, getting similar flowers as a result. They kneeled down and put them near the bodies. They walked back and joined the others.

The building ran smoothly. There were a few hiccups here and there, but other then that, everything was fine. Well, for most people. Eda had something on her mind. Something very special. Something for Raine. Lilith noticed her sister's stress so pulled her to the side for a minute.
"You alright? Also don't bother lying to me, I'm your sister, I can tell," Lilith said. Eda's palms began to sweat. She walked directly in front of her sister.
"Do you think Raine accept it if I proposed to them?" Eda whispered to her sister. Lilith's face lit up as she pulled her sister into a hug. Eda quickly accepted it.
"I believe they would, yes," Lilith whispered back, smiling. The two walked back with grins on their faces. No one wanted to question why they were so smiley. The two went back to helping, no questions asked. Darius had an idea on what it was already, mainly because he was eavesdropping on the two who are not very quiet whisperers. He didn't want to ask any questions though.
"FUCK!" someone yelled from the market.
"OI!" Steve yelled at the person who had previously yelled. The group walked over to see Mattholomule and Steve.
"What you want me to say?! I just cut myself on whatever this is!" Mattholomule pointed to some glass from what appeared to be a mirror.
"That's a mirror kid," Eda face palmed.
"I don't care!" Mattholomule yelled again.
"This is why I don't want kids," Katya sighed. Everyone but Mattholomule and Steve went back to wherever they just were.

The day had finished. The night had come. This was one of Raine's favourite times of day, although they slept through it most of the time. Raine couldn't sleep and nor could Eda. Eda's mind was filled with what she should do to propose while Raine was sat awake remembering their family. The looks of the bloody bodies haunted their thoughts tonight. They tried to drown those looks out with the happy memories, but to no avail. Eda decided to hold Raine's hand in hers as she hummed a calming tune. It didn't help Raine sleep, but it did clear their mind.
"Thanks," Raine turned their body to face Eda. They buried their head in the woman's chest. Eda began to play with Raine's earring.
'Maybe it will go well. You'd better do it before you lose the chance.' Eda thought, smiling at the bard that laid awake in her arms. It was a sleepless, yet peaceful night. It was perfect for the two.

Raine and Eda walked downstairs to make something to eat.
"Hello," Lilith waved.
"Lily?! Why are you in our house?" Eda asked the blue-haired woman who was sat on their couch. Lilith got up and walked over to her sister.
"I figured you and Raine could use some time alone," she whispered to her sister. Eda knew what she meant, but was still nonetheless confused on why and when Lilith got to the house.
"We didn't hear you come in? Also that doesn't answer my question," Eda whispered the last part to her sister.
"I'm just quite. And to add onto that, I don't wake Hooty up. Also, I can look after your kids while your gone," she winked in her little sisters direction. Eda nodded.
"Well, since Lily doesn't mind looking after the kids, what'd say to having a day out Raine?" Eda looked in the direction of Raine. They nodded before walking to the kitchen to grab something to eat quickly. Eda took her chance and bolted up the stairs and to her room. She rummaged through a set of drawers for the ring, which she found surprisingly quick. She quickly got changed and ran back downstairs.
"You okay?" Lilith asked. Ed's patted a pocket which held the ring in response. Lilith nodded before walking back to the couch. Eda walked to the kitchen and sat down next to Raine.
"So where exactly do you want to go Eda? It's been a while since we've gone out, y'know, just the two of us," Raine leaned their head on their girlfriends shoulder.
"How about our hill? It should also help get your mind off things for a bit," Eda kissed their forehead.
"Yeah, we haven't been there for Titan knows how long," Raine chuckled a bit. Eda smiled.
"There it is then," she said.

The two walked up the hill and sat themselves at the top, admiring the view of the forest. Eda felt her pocket to check if it was still in there. It was.
"Titan, I forgot how nice this place looked," Raine said in awe. Eda reached for Raine's hand.
"It's beautiful," she smiled. "The best view in the Boiling Islas in my opinion." She wasn't even looking at the forest. She had her eyes fixated on Raine.
'It's now or never Eda. Pull yourself together woman.' Eda took a deep breath before standing up, gesturing for Raine to do the same.
"Yes? You okay?" Raine asked. Eda took another deep breath.
'Come on Eda, it's too late to turn back now. Just ask them. Comeoncomeoncomeon.' She thought to herself before she let the words out.
"Dammit, I'm a mess Rainedeer. I have been for the past few day as you've probably noticed. I think it's time I asked you this. Raine, you've been the most important person in my life, other then my family obviously, but anyway. You've been the most important person in my life since I met you. You tried to help me with my curse, but I only pushed you away... That's not the point! You were there for me when my own family weren't. We've helped each other in anyway we could and I love you so so much, so that why I want to ask you this," Eda got down on one knee and pulled out the ring from her pocket. She gently opened the box.
"Raine, will you marry me?" a coat of blush covered the twos faces. Happy tears began to form in Raine's eyes as they looked at their girlfriend, or fiancé rather.
"Yes Eda! Of course I'll marry you!" Raine jumped to the ground and hugged the woman. The two shared the hug before Eda pulled out of it and held Raine's hand, gently putting the ring on them. The two shared a warm hug one more.
"I love you Rainestorm," Eda spoke up.
"I love you too," Raine said. Eda lifted her head and looked at the bard. She lifted their head up with her hand and placed a kiss on their lips. Raine quickly kissed her back.

It finally happened. They were now engaged. They couldn't be happier.

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