Chapter 11

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A/N: A lot of Gustholomule
The two stayed at the hill until sundown, well, night rather. They were just watching the sunset holding hands when they heard something, or rather someone, behind them. They turned to see Lilith fumbling with her scroll.
"Lily! You're supposed to be at home with the kids!" Eda went red. Lilith smiled before walking to the two.
"Yeah I dropped them at the Blight's house," she smirked at the engaged couple who sat on the grass. "So?" Eda lifted up Raine's hand along with hers to reveal the rings. Lilith clapped happily.
"Well, when are you going to tell the others?" she gave a warm smile.
"Depends, when are we next meeting?" Raine asked.
"Tomorrow I believe," Lilith had to think for a moment. Raine smiled at Eda.
"Oh Titan, Alador and Darius," Lilith pulled the two up.
"No it's fine Lily," Eda forced her sister to let go of her's and Raine's arms. "Hey you two!" The two waved before walking over.
"Hi. Oh you two okay now?" Darius sounded concerned. Raine nodded. Lilith and Alador were confused to say the least.
"Wait- Are those-?" Darius was looking at the rings. Raine and Eda nodded. Alador looked down to see what Darius had just questioned the two about, seeing the rings.
"Oh, congrats guys," Alador gave the two a smile.
"Thanks," Raine smiled back. They talked for a bit before they went their own ways and went back home.

Eda opened to door to see Willow, Gus, Amity, Luz, Hunter and Mattholomule all laying asleep on the floor with blankets covering them. If you squinted hard enough through the kind of see through blanket, you could see all of them cuddling their partner, so Gus and Matt, Hunter and Willow and lastly Amity and Luz.
"Hey- Oh, I'll come back in the morning," Steve popped his head through the door, immediately seeing his half-brother then walking back out.
"We should probably clean this area a bit," Raine said, walking over to the couch. They picked up Eda's penstgram, which was opened to Hunter's contact, and looked a bit at the messages. The most recent thing was a video from when Hunter was in the human realm. This didn't make much sense considering Eda kept the penstgram with her. They were curious so walked back to Eda and showed her the penstgram.
"Didn't you keep this penstgram account with you?" Raine asked, to which Eda nodded. They click play on the video to see what it was.
"Whatcha working on?" Raine teasingly asked to the woman. This shocked Eda.
"Raine! Don't do that!" she half-yelled. Raine chuckled. They kneeled down next to Eda.
"Well, let's get back to this," Eda said, more comfortable.
The video then zoomed in on the two's side's. It showed the two holding hands, well, kinda.

The twos face's went red. Raine's curiosity took the better of them so they scrolled and saw more videos from the days the group were building the portal.
"Oh my Titan, how'd they get the- Darius," Eda clicked at the thought. She immediately started mumbling curses to herself, worried on if the kids woke up. She looked over to see two of them awake. Hunter and Mattholomule. Even in the slightly dark room, Mattholomule's bright red face could be seen. The brunette boy jumped away from Gus, a blushing mess. The other three tried to hold in their laughs.
"O-Oh my Titan... Did I f-fall asleep on him?" Mattholomule asked to Hunter. He got a nod in response. Mattholomule's ears also went red. Eda started to laugh, waking the others.
"Eh, you lot can clean now," Eda walked off, dragging Raine upstairs.
"EdaAaaA!" Raine yelled as they were dragged.

Eda shut the door after the two were in their bedroom. She kissed Raine before walking to the closet. She got out some pyjamas, throwing them to her fiancé. Raine walked to Eda and kissed her cheek. They quickly changed using magic, walking to the nest of a bed. Eda did the same, also walking to the bed.
"When are you going to tell your kids?" Raine asked, cuddling up to Eda's chest.
"When the other kids aren't in the house. I want them to be some of the first to know," Eda wrapped her arms around Raine's waist. The two stayed in each other's embrace, waiting for the other to fall asleep.
"I love you Rainestorm," Eda muttered.
"I love you too Calamity," Raine mumbled into the woman's chest. They fell asleep like that. In each other's embrace. They loved this.

Their peaceful sleep was distributed when the sound of a mortar bike pulling up came from outside. Raine groaned, freeing themself from Eda's arms. They got up and walked down.
"Morning Steve," Raine rubbed their eyes, walking to the kitchen. "Want anything to eat or drink? It's quite early." Steve shook his half brother.
"Not for me, just do something for Matt," Steve said. Raine nodded, going into the kitchen.
"Oi, kid. Wake up," Steve shook Mattholomule. Mattholomule groaned in annoyance. He opened his eyes, seeing he was cuddling Gus again. He jumped up.
"Ah that seemed to wake you u- Wait... Do you-?" Steve almost asked, but Mattholomule coved his brother's mouth.
"Shh! And... I don't know... I think I do... But... Uhg! It's complicated," Mattholomule began to go on a tangent talking about Gus. Steve smiled, removing the hand from his mouth.
"Well, we'll talk later, maybe that'll help you figure out your feelings. Does that sound good?" Steve put his hand on Mattholomule's shoulder. Mattholomule nodded. Raine came back with some food and drinks. They put them on the table. They gave the brothers a confused look.
"Don't ask," Steve laughed. "Well, once Matt's eaten, we'll leave." Raine nodded, cleaning up a bit.

Steve and Mattholomule had left and the others parents came to pick the other kids. Eda came down.
"Oh, all of the kids are gone," Eda laughed.
"Well? Do you want to now or later?" Raine asked, causing Luz and King to give confused looks.
"Wah?" King made his signature noise. Eda laughed.
"Yeah, now is good, if you want to at least. The kids won't stop bothering us until then," Eda laughed, sitting next to the kids and Raine.
"Yes Eda, Raine?" Luz asked.
"Well, Raine and I will be getting married soon. Or well, when we plan it," Eda said. Luz's face lit up. She squealed, jumping into a hug. King jumped onto Luz's head.
"We will be an actual family now!" King sounded like he was smiling. The two adults laughed.
"Yeah. I can't wait," Raine smiled, looking at Eda. The two adults blushed.
"We can't wait," Eda corrected Raine. They all pulled out of the hug. Raine kissed Eda's cheek. Luz smirked.

(The talk with Matt and Steve)

Steve sat down, gesturing for Mattholomule to do the same. He did.
"Well, explain your feelings to me," Steve smiled. Mattholomule took a deep breath.
"Uh... It's just... When I see him I- Uhg... I don't know, he makes me feel... different... Like, when I'm around him, I feel like I should hide my face. I feel... sick... but in a good way... I think. Uhg, see what I mean... It's complicated," Mattholomule looked away from his brother's gaze. Steve smiled, chuckling at his brother.
"What?" Mattholomule was now looking at Steve now.
"It's not complicated. It's love Matt," Steve smiled, putting his hand on Mattholomule's shoulder. Mattholomule went red, thinking about the possibility of him actually loving Gus.

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