Final Chapter- The Wedding

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The day had finally came. The wedding.

Raine paced around in the room they were in.
"Uhgg! Guys I don't know if I can do this... Obviously I'm excited but I'm freaking out!!" Raine was yelling, their voice shaking as they did. Darius rolled his eyes and stood up in front of them.
"Raine calm down. She proposed to you. You said yes. What's the reason you said yes?" Darius flicked the enby on the forehead. Raine just sighed.
"Dar I'm still worried," Raine sounded calmer, but still very worried. Darius groaned and sat back down. The others in the room only shrugged.
"It's just- I've been waiting for this day for years and now it's happening! I can't think of anything but her!! I want this to go perfectly..." Raine would've rambled but couldn't find any more words to say. Everyone only nodded, knowing what they meant.

Eda was having a similar experience, just dumbed down.
"Lily does this look good? Should I put my hair up or keep it down? Would Raine-" Eda was rambling about how she looked for one of the first times in her life.
"Edalyn you look nice. Hmm, put it up, I can help with a good hairstyle. And yes, Raine is gonna love it," Lilith smiled, a single tear falling down her cheek.
Eda laughed, "Are you crying?" Lilith shook her head.
"Sorry, it's just... You're actually getting married! I thought you said you never would," Lilith smiled.
"Says the aroace," Eda smiled back. Her situation had died down almost completely, but she was panicking about the same thing as Raine.

'Holyshitholyshitholyshitholyshitholyshit' Raine was panicking as the ceremony began. Eda was in the room, standing on the alter.
"Thanks for this Dar," Raine smiled at Darius and Eber. Darius only smiled and hugged them. Eber patted Raine's head. Willow walked by and nodded. She opened the door and the music began to play.
"You ready?" Darius let Eber climb onto his shoulder. Raine sighed, nodded and smiled. They walked in on the flowers Willow had dropped. They walked onto the alter, smiling.

Vows were said, and now, it was time for the main part, kinda.
"Do you, Eda, take Raine to be your spouse?" the person who was wedding them asked.
"I do," Eda smiled. They looked at Raine.
"Do you, Raine, take Eda to be your wife," they asked.
"I-I do," Raine's voice was still shaking, but they were still smiling. Katya walked over to them with the rings and put them on.
"You may now kiss your spouse," they said, a smile on their face. Eda leaned forward, put her hands on Raine's hip. Raine put their hands on Eda's shoulders. The two looked into each other's eyes for a second before they connected their lips. It was a passionate kiss that lasted for a minute at the most. Derwin, who was the best man was hugging a crying Amber, who was the spouse maid. Katya joined the hug, also slightly crying. Luz and Lilith just cried while hugging each other. Amity smiled and almost cried, but Edric was a happy mess. Gus smiled, a few tears falling down his face. Mattholomule hugged him.

It was the after party and Lilith stood up to make an announcement sort of thing. Everyone looked at her as she sat back down.
"Eda said she'd never get married but here we are," Lilith chuckled. Eda went red and her parents laughed. Darius smirked and picked up a knife and clinked it to his glass.
"Raine and Eda almost killed me and Eber with a goddamn song," he sounded salty, but still taking it as a joke. Eda snorted.
"We did that for a reason ya know. Also if we did actually kill you, we'd also be dead," Eda smiled. The two just stared at each other before letting out small chuckles. Raine only smiled. Eda was surprisingly quite a few drinks in, so was Darius so it didn't surprise anyone that they were more friendly than normal.

A few hours had passed and Eda and Darius could no longer stand up straight and their voices came out slurred. Lilith had a few drink and so did Raine, but neither were that drunk. The kids all just had whatever drinks, other then alcohol, they wanted. Amber, Katya and Derwin chose not to drink.
"Damn, hard to believe that a simple reunion could lead to this," Raine laughed. Lilith smiled and nodded.
"Y'know, she was really worried about you when you pretended to get your mind wiped," Lilith said, her smile slightly fading. Raine sat in silence for a minute.
"You guys hopefully know that I only wanted to protect her, right?" their face has guilt plaster all over it. Lilith nodded.
"I knew you two wouldn't stay spilt for long after your break up," Lilith smiled, changing the subject.
"You were right- Wait- Where's Gus?" Raine looked around, not seeing the young boy anywhere inside.
"Probably with Mattholomule," Lilith also looked around, not seeing Mattholomule either.

With Gustholomule because I'm bored and need more words in this

Mattholomule walked outside and saw Gus. Gus turned around at the noise.
"Oh, sup?" Gus gestured for Matt to sit next to him. Matt did and smiled.
"You okay? You just ran out earlier?" Matt asked. Gus nodded and smiled.
"Yeah just have... Some on- Something on my mind!" Gus blushed a bright red.
"Some one?" Matt's voice came out hurt. Gus caught onto this fast.
"Now, are you okay?" Gus asked. Matt was taken aback.
"I- Yeah, I'm fine," Matt said. He took a deep breath and looked into Gus's grey eyes. Gus blushed a bit, but only looked into Matt's eyes. Matt looked down slightly and looked at his mouth, then back up at his eyes. Gus nodded and leaned. Their lips connected and they kissed for a few minutes, oblivious to the fact Steve was outside looking for them and spotted them. Steve smiled and walked back inside the building.

"I found them," Steve sounded calm and happy. Everyone looked at him confused on why he was so  happy. Steve only smiled and waved it off.
"Okayyyy, well, I assume they're okay," Lilith said. Steve nodded and dragged her outside.

Lilith smiled, seeing the boys. The two pulled away.
"I- Uh- That was... Nice," Matt smiled and had a deep red blush in his face. Gus was at a loss for words, but he was also bright red.
"You're- You're a good kisser Matty," Gus winked and kissed his cheek. Matt felt his cheek.
"I love you, Matty," Gus smiled.
"I- I love you too, Gus," Matt sounded on the brink of tears, but was still happy.

It was the next day, Eda had a bad hangover, same with Darius. The only adults that didn't have a hangover were Steve and Alador.
"So. Mattholomule, how was it?" Steve smiled at his little brother.
"Huh?" Matt asked.
"You know what I mean. Augustus," Steve smirked. Matt went red.
"I- You saw that?!" Matt yelled. Steve laughed and nodded.
"I-I love you too, Gus," Steve mocked. Matt went bright, bright red. Steve patted Matt's head.
"Don't worry kid, I won't tell anyone," Steve said. Matt nodded.

Eda woke up next to Raine. She smiled, but it quickly faded when her head began to throb.
"Eda, love, keep your head down for a minute. I'll go get you some water," Raine stood up and walked off. Eda only stared at the celling. Raine came back with some water and painkillers. Eda took and painkillers and drunk the water.
"Thanks Rainedeer," Eda kissed Raine's forehead. Raine smiled. They kissed her cheek and mated on top of her.
"Love ya, dork," Eda smiled.
"Love ya too, dingus," Raine smiled.

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