Chapter 2- Finally convinced

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Luz paced around her bedroom, worried about what had happened on the day of unity. The rain drops fell down the window, causing a dripping noise. Luz's mind was flooded with bad thoughts.
"Luz! Are you okay in there?" Camilla asked, knocking if Luz's locked door.
"Luz, please, let us in," Amity said in a soft tone.
"Human, come out," Hunter stated.
"Luz... We're worried about you," Vee stammered.
"Sweetheart, please," Camila said again. Luz walked over to her door and unlocked it. She opened the door and walked back to her bed. Amity ran over to her girlfriend and wrapped her arms around Luz. Luz melted into Amity's embrace. Tears fell down the humans face.
"W-We have no way on getting back... The portal is shut... I'm worried about everyone..." Luz muttered into Amity's shoulder. Amity rubbed Luz's back in comfort.
"We'll be alright... I'm sure they are trying to find a way to get us back," Amity said to the crying girl that was in her arms.
"We're back! I think we got what we were supposed to!" Gus yelled up the stairs. Amity let go of Luz.
"I'll stay up here with Luz for a minute, you guys can go if you want," the purple-haired girl said to the other three. Camila nodded and shut the door, walking downstairs to Willow and Gus.
"Look at me batata... We can get through this. Together. You're not alone Luz," Amity comforted. Luz fell back into Amity's arms. Luz wrapped her arms around Amity's torso and tightened her grip on the back of Amity's shirt. Amity pulled the two to the ground and let Luz cuddle up to her stomach.

The two girls went downstairs, Luz's face stained with tears. Camila and Willow were in the kitchen working on dinner while Vee, Gus and Hunter were talking in the living room. Luz and Amity sat down on the top of the couch.
"Hola!" Luz said with a smile.
"You feel better now?" Hunter asked. Luz nodded. Hunter gave her a thumbs up. The five were all now talking with each other.

Camila and Willow were making the dinner, making small talk every now and then. Willow took a deep breath then looked at Camila.
"Mrs Noceda," Willow started in a serious tone. Camila looked over to the young girl.
"You should come back with us. We know you don't want Luz living there, but she's been happy. She really misses her friends that hadn't got transported here with her, like us. She's worried about her out of home family. She really does love you, but the Boiling Islas has became her home. So please. Come back with us," Willow said. Camila looked at Willow with a shocked face. She pondered for a minute.
"But it's-" Camila started, but will cut her off.
"-Dangerous? Sure, but so is the human realm. The most dangerous person who lived there is, well, gone now," Willow said, looking Camila dead in the eyes. "So please... Luz wants you... Luz needs you. Please come back with us..." Camila sighed. She turned back around to the food, still looking at Willow.
"I want some time to think. I will tell you when I pick," she said, turning her attention back to the plants Willow had made. Willow gave a warm smile, going back to the food.

Luz fiddled with her food.
"I think I have an answer to your question Willow. The one you asked me when we were making dinner," Camila said, picking up her drink. Willow gave her a shocked face.
"It's only been half an hour? That's fast," Willow said, her face going back to normal. Camila sighed.
"Fine. If it'll make Luz happy, then fine. I'll come back with you," Camila sighed, looking down. Willow stood up and ran over to where she sat. She threw her arms around Camila's torso.
"What? Come back where?" Luz asked, stuffing a bit of pasta in her mouth, then it hit her. "Wait.. Are you... Are you coming back to the Boiling Isles with us?!" Luz's face formed a bright smile. Camila nodded. Luz jumped into the hug.
"Vee? What about you?" Willow asked, looking in the direction of Vee. Vee nodded hesitantly.
"Don't worry, we won't let anyone hurt you," Luz smiled.

The day had finished and everyone was asleep, except Luz and Hunter.
"We don't have a way back... We have to wait longer..." Luz whispered to the blond boy who sat in front of her.
"We shouldn't have to wait long now," Hunter whispered back. Luz laid her head back in frustration.
"I know... But... I... I just wanna know that they are alright..." she whispered, crossing her arms. Hunter hugged the girl.
"You think I'd lose contact with Darius? They are all trying to rebuild the portal," Hunter smiled. "Like I said, we shouldn't have to wait long now." The two were hugging on the couch when the stairs began to creak.
"Uhg- Is anyone-" Willow said, rubbing her eyes. She looked at the two who sat on the couch. She sighed.
"Be quiet please, y'all are loud whisperers," she whispered, smiling at the two. They nodded back.
"Wait- You have contact with Darius?!" Luz whisper-yelled, looking back at Hunter. Hunter rolled his eyes and nodded. Luz gave the boy a shocked face. Willow walked off to the kitchen, then came back into the living room.
"I'm not getting back to sleep, so ima stay down here with you," Willow whispered. "Also really?" Hunter nodded. Willow gave him a confused look.
"Is it so bad that I am still in contact with the person who practically raised me?" Hunter whispered to the two girls. The girls sat there, shocked.
"He's your dad?!" the girl whisper-yelled to Hunter in unison. Hunter sighed, then nodded again. The girls were now left speechless.

Hunter was now going through penstgram (despite not being in the demon realm), waiting for a message from Darius.
Hunter sighed a sigh of relief, though trying to be quiet as to not wake the others. He clicked the notification and read it to Willow and Luz.
"The rebuilding of the portal has been going well. Who knew the owl lady could build things this well?" he whispered. Luz smiled.
"Eda's okay," she sighed.
"Can you ask the human if something is going on between Edalyn and Raine? I swear there is chemistry between those two still," Hunter whispered again.
"I knew it! Ask him to try and get a photo or a video if he can!" Luz whisper-yelled. Hunter began to type.
"He's fast," the blue-haired girl whispered. Luz and Hunter nodded.
"A photon or a video of the two? I can try?" Hunter chuckled a bit at the response.

The three waited for a few minutes before the same noise came again.
Hunter clicked the notification to see both a photo and a video. He showed them the photo then put his scroll somewhere where all three could see. He clicked play on the video.
"Oi, Rainedrop! A little help here!" Eda yelled to Raine. Raine walked over the where Eda was sat.
"Hm? What do ya need help on?" Raine asked, sitting down next to Eda.
"This part needs magic to be attached. Can you help?" the woman asked. Raine nodded. Raine scooted closer. Eda's face went bright red.
The video ended there. Small snorts left Luz and Willow's mouths. Hunter looked back to his scroll.
"If the human wants any more, Lilith, Amber and I have tons," Hunter chuckled again. Luz nodded like a crazy person. Hunter giggled a bit. Hunter began to type.
More videos and photos were sent.
"Whatcha working on?" Raine teasingly asked to the woman. This shocked Eda.
"Raine! Don't do that!" she half-yelled. Raine chuckled. They kneeled down next to Eda.
"Well, let's get back to this," Eda said, more comfortable.
The video then zoomed in on the two's side's. It showed the two holding hands, well, kinda.
Then it ended there.

The next was a photo of Raine sleeping in harpy Eda's arms.
There were a few photos like that. Hunter then found the last video of the two Darius has sent. He clicked it.
"Eda~ Look what I have!" King yelled, waving a book in the air. Eda jumped up and bolted after King.
"Give that King! Please tell me you didn't read it!" Eda yelled while chasing King. The book was then thrown Darius' way. It showed him flipping through the pages.
A message was sent.
"I read Eda's diary. God she's still obsessed," Hunter whispered, holding back a laugh.

That was how the rest of the night went by, videos of Eda and Raine getting sent through and the three watching them. It hurt Luz, but it was also a relief to know that the C.A.T.T.s were okay.


This turned out longer than I thought it would, but eh
Sighing off :}

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