Chapter 12

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Eda and Raine had been planning their wedding for almost a month now. Raine was slightly upset that the good people in their family couldn't be there, but Eda kept comforting them.
"I love you so much Eda," Raine smiled. Eda planted a kiss on their lips.
"I love you more Raine," Eda smiled. The two went back to their planning. Eda came across a few old notes while looking for people to invite to their wedding. Eda picked one up and showed Raine, causing them to remember what happened.

Heya Eda! I'm still with my dad(sadly). Oh my Titan, this is more stressful then I thought. I know that it's probably not any better there but hey, we can still write to each other (for the time being). My dad's gonna kill me when he finds out I've been writing to you after I was told to stop. Eh, I should probably stop now, bye bye Calamity! Xx

Raine smiled at the note, which quickly faded when they remembered their father.
"Titan, I hope he's dead by now," Raine mumbled to themself, the tone in their voice sounding cold and distant. Eda gave them a confused look.
"Did ya say something love?" Eda asked. Raine shook their head as the two went back to planning.

It was a few days later and the couple and finished planning. It was a week away. Raine and Eda were so excited about it. Raine was out with Steve looking for something to wear for the wedding while Eda was out with Lilith on the search for her perfect outfit. Raine ended up with a white suit which they decided to pair with a red tie and black boots. Eda's was a blackish grey suit which had a minty green trim. She wanted a tie, but changed her mind. She paired the outfit with a pair of beige(bro idk how to spell it) boots similar to her other boots.

"Lily! Is this one good?" Eda held up the suit. Lilith's eyes lit up.
"Oh wow. That one would look perfect on you!" Lilith smiled. Eda smiled back, throwing some snails onto the ground and walking off with the outfit and shoes. The two sisters talked for a bit before they reached the owl house. Eda got Hooty to open the door and ran to her room upstairs. She opened the same drawer that she originally put the ring in and put her cloths into it. She closed the drawer and ran downstairs.
"Oh my Titan... I'm actually getting married to them soon," Eda chuckled, sitting next to her sister and looked up at the celling. Lilith laughed a bit.
"What? Are you regretting it?" Lilith looked at the other woman.
"What?! Of corse not! I love them so much. I'm excited, just realised this isn't a dream," Eda turned her attention to Lilith. Lilith nodded.
"Yeah, well, it's about time you two got married," she elbowed Eda in the side playfully. The sisters both sat in silence, waiting for it to get broken by the door opening. Luz ran in and went to the self. She picked up a spell book.
"What are you doing kid?" Eda asked. Luz looked at the couch.
"Oh, Willow wants a spying potion for some reason!" Luz exclaimed, smiling. Eda decided not to question it.
"Just, whatever you're planning, don't get caught," Eda looked Luz in the eyes, earning a nod. Luz ran back out with the book.
"Titan, kids," Eda chuckled. Lilith gave an unimpressed look.
"Eda. You did that," Lilith stated. Eda rolled her eyes.
"Yeah yeah, so?" Eda asked a rhetorical question to her sister. Lilith rolled her eyes. Eda laid her head back down and fell asleep.

Eda was still sleeping, so Raine was able to get in and put their clothes in a place Eda didn't check ever undetected. They walked back and smiled at the younger Clawthorne. They went up to her and lightly tapped her shoulder. Eda groaned and opened her eyes, seeing the silhouette of Raine. She felt around a bit for their arm and pulled them down and onto her lap. Raine went red, but that quickly faded, leaving a light blush.
"Hey sugar," Eda said groggily. Raine kissed the girl's cheek.
"Hey," Raine laid their head on her shoulder, smiling. The two cuddled and eventually, both fell asleep.

"Uhgg! But what should I do about it Steve... It's not like I can tell him. There's a lot going on with him. I don't want to make it any worse," Mattholomule laid his head back in frustration. Steve put his hand on Mattholomule's shoulder and laughed.
"What? What's so funny?" Mattholomule asked, picking his head up and facing his half-brother. Steve gave the younger boy a knowing look.
"If he's going through something, he will need you. He loves you, I know it. Just, tell him. He deserves to know. He'll want you there. You'll want to be there," Steve smiled.
"How did you-" Mattholomule was confused to say the least.
"I know you. Oh and, you're not exactly the best at hiding your emotions," Steve said sarcastically. Mattholomule groaned.
"But... UHG!! It's just... if I do, I want it to be perfect. He deserves the world Steve. He deserves better then me... you know what I did to him for years.. Ah, I've started to rant. Do you know what I mean though?" Mattholomule was frustrated and confused about his emotions. He didn't know what he should do. All he knew was that whatever happened, could end up being his fault. He didn't want to hold onto that guilt, especially since Raine and Eda's wedding is at the end of the week. He didn't want to ruin the mood of the week.
"I know what you mean. Also I know what you're thinking. It'll be fine, don't worry," Steve comforted. Mattholomule just sat there, zoning out. The two sat in silence, which neither could tell if it was a comfortable one or an uncomfortable one.

This is slowly becoming a multiship fanfic. I just wanted an excuse to write more Gustholomule (kinda)

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