chapter 16

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"Hi y/n-chan, where do you think you're going?" Those words made you stop. You faced the owner of the voice.

"Ran Haitani." You murmured his name. Since your meeting he's really been a thorn on your side and as annoying as he is, he's still a thorn even before leaving, here he is smiling smugly at you.

"Are you escaping? And with an enemy on top of that?" He mocked as he pointed his gun at you with a smile on his face.

You faced him fiercely and removed the safety of the gun before pointing it on him too. "If you get in my way I'll kill you." You seriously said and his face became dead serious too making the atmosphere really heavy and dangerous.

You, Hanma and Ran were on guard. You were about to click the trigger when Ran suddenly laughed.

"You're really fun, y/n! You were really about to kill me just now!" He exclaimed while laughing and held his tummy.

Your gun still pointed at him as you frowned. "Hell yeah, I'm fucking serious." You impatiently said as you were already running out of time.

Ran put down his gun and smiled at you. "I'll let you escape. I'll handle the rest." He said.

You frown even more, "Are you mocking me right now?" You said.

"Of course not."

"Then why?"

"For fun, of course." He said like it's not a big deal. You walked towards him and pulled his tie making his face closer to yours and it irritated Hanma.

"What the hell, y/n! Don't flirt there and get moving! We'll get caught!" He exclaimed.

You set aside Hanma as you stare at Ran with your serious expression. You looked directly into his eyes. "Make sure that you'll keep it a secret. Or else I'll hunt you down and chop you to pieces and eat you myself." You threatened.

"Hmm, how violent." He paused and licked your lips. "I like it." He winked and you pushed him harshly while glaring at him. His touch really disgusted you just now.

You turned your back at him, "Don't get caught. I can't have you die because of helping me." You said before running away with Hanma. Ran chuckled and bit his lower lip. She's so delectable. He thought and also walked away from the exit to make up excuses.

On the other hand, you and Hanma are now inside a tinted car driving away from Mikey's abode. Your heart tightens as you see the place you stay at for a short but memorable time become smaller from your vision.

It was for a short time but the emotions you felt there are memorable. Everything that happened there is one of your most precious memories.

You were silent the whole ride and so was Hanma because he can feel how sour your mood is. He's afraid that you might shoot him on the spot.

The both of you reached your family's mansion. You were welcomed by bad looking people. Your house is the same as usual but this time it's a little bit quiet maybe because of Mikey's attack. The thought of him made you happy and sad at the same time.

When you entered your father's office, your relatives welcomed you. Especially your mother who stood up and hugged you. "Y/n, where did you go? I was so glad when Shuji said he found you!" She said like a typical mother.

"Pfft—" you can't help but laugh at her expression. You pushed her away and looked at her with cold eyes. "Look, Aiko." You called her name with a disgusted expression. "Don't treat me like a daughter now after everything." You paused and stepped on her feet with your heels. It's your hobby to do that. Why? Because it's fun. It's a really good thing that Koko brought an expensive one.

Shards of Sanity || Sano ManjiroWhere stories live. Discover now