Teddy Bear

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Amelie currently ate a mushroom that she had made that morning while organizing a few things around the camp. Including rebuilding Senku's treehouse the best she could, since she was discontented with what he made when she got there.

She huffed blowing a wandering hair out of her face, "Just about done, tore down the old one, and now we got one way better. It's one of the few things I'm better than Senku at. Building. I mean, I guess he's not terrible, but..."

She munched on the mushroom some more, before walking over to a box she'd made out of tree branches she'd cut and smoothed down. Amelie pulled out two make-shift daggers she was working on, she had just finished smoothing them out yesterday and wanted to sharpen them.

She snorted, "Stone daggers. After thousands of years of advancement, how sad."

Amelie's shoulder-length hair was then pulled into a ponytail with a thin rope before she got to work.

"It's...strange to be so openly creative without care for once. I can build and make things in public and not feel paranoid I'm being watched," she stared at the stone, slowly but surely making progress over time.

She started humming a French song her mother had sung, in a recording, of course, she never got the chance to meet the woman. She couldn't remember how many times she replayed it over and over.


Her head jerked up, "What?"

Amelie swiftly stood up, gripping her daggers—although not as sharp as she wanted, they could still injure someone.

"Let's go see who's yelling like that," she adjusted to the weight of the weapons, the stone was heavier than a modern dagger.

She moved stealthily into the forest, and by the time she'd been walking for a few minutes, she started to hear the voices clearly, one was obviously Senku because it sounded rather lifeless, but the other, louder voice...she didn't want to believe it...

"Teddy Bear, that you, big guy?" she called out, loud enough to hear.

"Amelie! Is that you?! You're awake too?!" he yelled back...or that was just his normal voice, she's known him long enough to know there was not a big difference between the two.

"Yeah, dork," she walked past a tree, before getting crashed into by what she thought was a bull or something. She swore she stopped breathing for a second.

"Amelie! It's you, I missed you!" he almost sobbed into her shoulder with happiness.

That's when Senku realized something, "Hey big oaf, don't hug her while you're buck naked!"

"Teddy, too tight–need room–breathe–"

Taiju instantly loosened his arms and set her down, "Oops sorry!"

Amelie smirked once she evoked something, "So me being naked is no problem, but when Taiju's naked around me you get mad? I distinctly remember the words, 'It's just me.' Does the same thing not apply?"

Senku chose to ignore the statement, "So, did you finish the treehouse?"

"Yeah, don't underestimate me! Other than what I let you do, I did it all on my own," she told him as she walked back to camp. She flipped her daggers once before putting them in her makeshift leg holsters under her dress.

"I've never underestimated you, idiot."

Amelie's cheeks dusted pink at the praise, "...Whatever."

"So, Senku, Amelie, what have you been doing this whole time?"

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