Gen Asagiri

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Thanks to Suika's tune from her seashell, which Amelie recommended, the villagers quickly began to gather around Senku and Amelie.

"People have waged wars over pepper. That's how fundamental food is to civilization," Senku started, "I'm going to colonize this village with the scientific food that is ramen."

Kohaku sweat-dropped at his shady grin, "You look like a villain."

"Food is even better bait than spears. Let's reel 'em in Senku," with an equally malicious grin, Amelie chuckled under her breath.

"I...can't even say I'm surprised..."

Senku turned to his friend with a smirk, "Love the determination. Reel them in good, Amelie."

"Will do, sir," she mock saluted, before preparing bowls.

Eagerly the villagers watched her, she used a broadcaster voice, making sure to entertain them.

And draw them in even more.

"Make sure to dig in, folks. I really want you to savor it and remember who made this for you," Amelie muttered, not even bothering to smother her mischievous smirk.

Not that the hungry villagers noticed or cared, they were too busy drooling.

"One-foxtail millet ramen!" she exclaimed as she finished the last bowl.

The villager who Suika overheard, Garen, tried the first bowl.

"It's so chewy! This is amazing!" he cried, practically inhaling the noodles.

And since he was the glutton, everyone else was encouraged to try this new dish.

The men eagerly approached her first, then a few women, and then everyone was trying it.

They couldn't stop eating.


"So good!"

"I've never tasted something so great!"

A dark-haired woman approached Senku, just as he handed someone a bowl.

"Are you the one that made this tasty stuff? Your name's Senku-kun? What kind of girls do you like?"

Senku, on the other hand, hardly glanced at her, "A girl who can pump a ton of oxygen into a furnace."

Amelie subtly kicked at his leg to hide her amusement.

"He's way too blunt," Kohaku narrowed her eyes, "You never make small talk or anything, do you, Senku?"

"Not really his thing," Amelie shook her head in fondness as she offered someone another bowl.

Amelie noticed an elderly lady slowly trying to approach the cart, she hurried to bring her a bowl.

"Here. I can make it easier for you, ma'am," she guided her to a tree stump close by.

"Thank you, dear. Such a sweet girl," she took her bowl, "Ah, what a treat..."

Amelie froze at the words 'sweet girl', never having heard those words before referring to her.

No one had ever looked at who she was, instead of her naturally impish gaze.

"I hope you enjoy it."

She approached the cart again, snapping out of her daze.

"The response is amazing. Everyone's coming over," Kohaku noticed.

"No problem," Senku's expression was dark again, "I'll work them to death in proportion to however much they ate."

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