(Extra+ Avoids Manga Spoilers) Amelie and Senku Kiss Scene

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Takes place about chapter 195

"You said Amelie helped you. Where is she?"

Suika smiled, "She shouldn't be far. She said she wanted to be here to see you, but prioritized getting us food. She's gotten a lot better at cooking, by the way."

Amelie's voice could be heard approaching, "Oi, Suika! I got a major haul today. I think it's enough to have a feast–"

"Amelie..." Senku went silent as he saw her push past the bushes.

"Senku...you're back, it's been a long time," she smiled.

She'd changed in the time he'd been away.

She looked different. A good different.

Older, too. A lot older.

Her embrace snapped him out of his thoughts and he hugged her in return.

"I missed you, Scallion."

"I missed you, too, IKEA."

☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆

Senku approached Amelie once they had a moment to themselves.


"Oh, hey. Still gotta get used to seeing you again," she chuckled.

"Yeah me, too."

Her laugh fell into a grin, "I get it. I look different than the last time you saw me."

Her hair was tied into a braid that curved over a shoulder, longer hair than the last time he'd seen her.

New scars, too. That didn't surprise him.

He didn't realize he'd been staring until she met his gaze, but he didn't cower away.

"I think that was the longest we'd been apart from each other, it was...strange to adjust to," she looked away, gaze forward.

That was an understatement. She was starting to have breakdowns and hallucinations until she came across Suika.

"I can imagine."

"We'll probably have to start over."


"I mean, things changed. We're...different."

"What does that mean?" he raised a brow.

She sighed, "It's been a long time. Our um...situation that had been going on for years. Where we admit we have feelings for each other, but, don't do anything else about it...We'd probably have to start over after being away for so long, right?"

"I don't know."

"Or maybe...not start over at all and just give up on it. With all that's happened, maybe that's our way of knowing that it's not meant to be for us."

But Senku didn't want that. He knew it'd be the most logical to anyone else, stay platonic and get things done to save the world...but...

Everyone else's logic wasn't what he wanted right now, he wanted his.

And he found it completely illogical to give up on Amelie.


Amelie glanced at him, "No? No, what?"

"We're not doing that."

"It'd be the most logical thing to do, Senku!" she ran a frustrated hand over her head, glaring at him, "We can't be selfish right now, we have a responsibility to the world!"

When had she ever been this responsible? Had the time really hardened her that much?

"Well, I don't agree. The agreement has to be mutual for it to be valid," he turned to face her.

"You're so stubborn! We can't indulge in this. Do you not get that?" she hissed.

"Why are you so against it all of a sudden? You didn't care before."

"Things changed!" she hadn't meant to shout and lowered her tone, "Senku, you were gone. For a long time. And I knew by the time you'd return to me...I couldn't keep my feelings for you. It wouldn't–it wouldn't work in this situation we're in."

He kept his face devoid of any telling emotion, "So, you don't have even one millimeter of interest in me, now?"

She sighed again, "I didn't say that...I knew I couldn't keep my feelings for you–doesn't mean I didn't."

"So then why are you making this such a hassle, then?"

She scoffed, her glare on him again, "Weren't you listening to me? We. Can't. We have a world to save. We can't afford to be selfish and risk anything by keeping this thing going. The non-selfish thing to do would be to let each other go in that regard and work together as simply allies. Don't you understand—?"

He kissed her.

It was brief, but she still was dazed, blinking in shock.

"What I understand, is that I want to be selfish. Just about you, nothing else," he whispered against her lips.


"Who're we really bothering by having these feelings?" his hand was on her cheek, thumb brushing against her cheekbone.

"We–we can't let them get in the way."

"What is it getting in the way of, really?"

"..." she looked away from him.

"What are you afraid of, Amelie?"

"I'm afraid of what it'll do to me. I've seen love, Senku. It changes people. Makes them weak."

But it also gives them strength, he wanted to tell her.

"Well, I've always loved you and you love me, so what will it really change when it's already been there for ages?" he moved his head to meet her avoidant gaze again.

"It's clouding your logical already."

"I don't care about that when it comes to you...I've never been logical when it came to you."

"Senku, we—"

"—earned the right to be selfish. And this isn't a videogame, we can't just delete emotions. I've been in love with you too long for that. Thousands of years. I can't just get rid of something like that."

"At least...let's wait until everything's settled," she looked back at him, torn between the responsibility and what she wanted.

"Tomorrow. We can do that tomorrow. Right now...let's be a little selfish," he smirked.

And their lips met again.

They decided to selfishly exchange kisses, just for a little while.

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