Christmas Suprise!

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A/n: I'm not returning as far as I know...but I can't say anymore that I haven't thought about writing more in the future at all. Anyway, not why I'm here. As a little Christmas gift as thanks for all the support, I'm publishing a two part AU draft I wrote years back. It's not editied or finished (since it was never intended to be published), but Quotev readers have read it, so why not you all, too? Hope you enjoy :) Happy Holidays and I hope you have a wonderful New Year!

Amelie| What if...

What if...Amelie had chosen to go rogue?

Part 1:

"And what about me?" Amelie finally spoke up.

Senku stopped walking, making everyone else stop, "The answer is obvious, Tsukasa would believe you'd go rogue."

Amelie scoffed, "No way. That's boring, I'm coming with you Sneku."

"Just hear me out, Amelie. If you go rogue, his eye will be even less on your movements, that role is believable. You can do surveillance from the outside."

She crossed her arms, "What if he catches and questions me?"

He lowered his voice, "Then go along with it, try to get close as possible, and find out all you can. To be honest, you have the potential to get as close to him as possible."

Amelie bit her lip, before sighing, she picked at the cloth on his shoulder, "I...All right, I'll do it."

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"I guess this is goodbye, huh?"

The group was about to split up in their own directions.

Amelie sucked her teeth, "Well then, later, don't die."

Senku sighed, casually glancing over at her, "Uh, yeah, you too."

The girl glanced back at her other friends walking off, "It's gonna be a while until we all see each other, again."

"Weeks, possibly months, or even--"

Amelie took a deep breath in, her forehead bumping into his chest.

He sighed out into her hair, wrapping an arm around her, silently responding to her.

I'll miss you too, IKEA.

She pulled back glancing away in embarrassment," Sorry..."

He ruffled her hair, "We'll see each other again before you know it. Hang in there and gather some info. I know you can do it."

"Yeah, yeah," she swatted his hand away. 

He smirked, "I know I can count on you."

Amelie gave a soft smile, "See ya, Senku. Good luck."

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"It's been a few months...I wonder how they're all doing?"

Amelie continued to weave the rope she had started the two days before.

"This whole going rogue thing is kind of boring, Senku was a lot more fun to be around," she tied the end of the rope, finishing it.

"Hm. Let's test the durability..." she tugged a few times, satisfied with the sturdy sound.

"Alright, let's do this."

Amelie grunted as she tried out her remade pulley, the rope had snapped under pressure three days ago. She lifted a crate she made filled with more items she had made for herself.

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