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"Senku! Answer me, please!" Taiju screamed.

Taiju and Yuzuriha cried out for their friend.

"It can't be! You can't die here, Senku! There's no way!"

"He didn't suffer. I suggest that, as his friends, you give him a proper farewell."

Amelie snapped, surprising everyone, and moved with startling speed, "Tsukasa, I told you I'd kill you! You crossed a line!"

Tsukasa truly didn't expect this, but dodged by a hair and managed to save himself from a stab to the chest.

Amelie, not missing a beat spun her dagger around, and crouched down, slashing his knee.

"Amelie! Move!" Taiju yelled.

She growled as she dodged an attack from Tarzan, "Tedd-"

"Please! Senku wouldn't want this!"

Amelie stopped mid-swing, biting her lip as her shoulders shook, her hair shadowing her expression.

"Amelie-chan! Please, it isn't worth it!" Yuzuriha sobbed out.

"You should listen to your friends-"

"Shut up, you crusty-crab-looking Tarzan!" Amelie let a watery yell, wiping an arm across her eyes.

Her friend's eyes went wide, was she crying? Amelie has never cried.

She glanced over her shoulder, "...But you're right, Tsukasa's not worth it. Senku's worth it, but he'd say some trash like it's not logical or something..."

Amelie gave Tsukasa a glare so deadly that if it could manifest, he'd wither and die upon impact. She walked back to stand by her friends, "But that doesn't mean that I won't still hurt you the next time I see you."

Taiju picked up a boulder.


"Don't worry, Yuzuriha. I'm calm. Sorry, Yuzuriha...If it comes to it..."

"It's okay, Taiju-kun. The four of us made a promise. I'm sure it'll work out. It has to!"

"Thanks, Yuzuriha," Taiju threw the boulder high in the air.

Yuzuriha ran for the gunpowder and threw it at Tsukasa, he kicked the pot, shattering it.

Tsukasa turned to them.

"Goodbye, Tsukasa."

The boulder landed, creating an explosion and their getaway.

"That's right, Senku! You said it yourself! If we run, we're running together! I don't care what anyone says, I know you're not dead! You wouldn't die while you still have the goal of restarting civilization from scratch!" Taiju yelled, full of hope as they ran.

Senku's body was laid down.

"Heart massage," Taiju muttered under his breath, "I don't even know if I'm doing it right. But I have to do it."

Amelie's tears ran down her face, "I need to calm down..." she whispered to herself.

"Wait, artificial respiration?"

"I think you should keep his neck still," Yuzuriha hastily warned, her eyes watered, "Tsukasa-kun hit him in the neck. Senku-kun sacrificed himself for me."

"Senku sacrificed himself for you?" Taiju asked in surprise.

Amelie chuckled, "Senku would never do that. Remember when I found that random psychic book and read it because I was bored? Senku chose the option where everyone could be saved. That's just how he is."

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