In Sickness and Violence, You May Now Kiss the Bride

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The next round was Senku versus Ginro.

But just as Senku was about to prepare for his match, he heard coughing coming from behind him.

Amelie caught his gaze, waving a hand, "I'm fine–"

Her coughs grew more violent; she fell to her knees, gasping for air when she could take it in.

"What's wrong?" He crouched in front of her in worry.

She shook her head, "Fine. Go."

He glared at her, "Amelie, you can't just start coughing like that and tell me you're fine."

Her coughing slowed, her breaths ragged, "I've been...dealing with this for a I' fine."


She withered away from his glare.

"You dumbass, why would you hide something like this from me?"

She turned away from him to cough dryly, the terrible sound repetitive.

"Fuck," Senku spat out, "Damn it."

"Senku and Chrome. Come forward for your match."

He was worried about Amelie; he didn't even bother to hide that he was. Everyone could see it.

They were, too.

Kohaku frowned down at Amelie, "It looks like...Ruri's sickness. But it hasn't been for as long. Senku, do you think...we could help Amelie with this Sulfa Drug, too?"

"I don't know."

"She looks pretty bad. Do you think she could be-"

"–No. I don't even want to think about that," his voice shook, his voice never shook.

Senku and Ginro were called again to the match, and Jasper was promptly ignored.

Senku let out a deep sigh, hand covering his face, as his quiet, broken voice seemed to hold an air of giving up, "Amelie...I don't...I don't know what to do...I don't have the tools to figure out what's wrong with you...."

He cut himself off before saying something in the moment's heat.

I can't lose you...I need you. I can't do this without you. Do you have any idea what that'd do to me if I couldn't help you? If you were gone? I lo-

He wouldn't even allow himself to finish thinking it. That four-letter word was unbelievable. No way almost came out his mouth. What the hell was that?

Her coughing was back to a stinging quiet in her throat, and as soon as she took her next breath, she moved.

She took his hand, moving it away, and looked into his eyes.

Silence hung over everyone for a moment, even when she reached out a hand.

And she poked him in the forehead hard.

"Ow! What the hell?"

When he opened his squinting eyes again, her kind look was now a sharp glare, teeth bared.

"Hey, Leek. Get that frown off your face, idiot. We never quit! We're scientists; we'll figure it out as all those before us did. What you're not going to do is look like a helpless little vegetable boy when you can go out there and do what needs to be done. We have a mission to finish, right? Don't make all this effort a waste of time."

"Amelie-chan, be careful, your throat," Suika reminded in concern.

"No, Suika. Cause I don't think he gets it," her eyes never left his red pools, "We can't afford to be illogical right now. Only logic has a chance of fixing any of this. Being illogical and still sitting here when Ruri is counting on you, I won't forgive you if you sit here any longer. So go."

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