Bitter Ramen

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"Let me do what I want to do! I'm not my mother!"

I pretend I wasn't listening in on Amelie's conversation when she storms back in.

I grab a dropper, "You alright?"

"Yeah, I'm alright, Scallion. Nothing new," she shuffles through her toolbox.

I focus back on my project, "You left your screwdriver on the ground."

"Oh, right. Thanks," she moves to slide back under her current invention.

Usually, I don't care much about things like that...but her father pisses me off.

He rejects her because she doesn't want to follow in her mother's footsteps, but hasn't even thought to ask why she became a mechanic in the first place.

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I hand her a gear, "Hey, Ame. Why're you so passionate about this project? Why's it different from your other ones?"

She quiets for a moment, "What happened to my mom...I don't want it happening to anyone else. I want to create a machine that can help with preventing pregnancy-related deaths—I'm not the best with chemicals, but machines are my specialty. If I can make a machine that can save lives—save families from feeling that loss, I'll do it."

A frown, "I see...I can help with any chemicals you might need if you want."

She ruffles my hair much to my annoyance, "Thanks, Senku. You're pretty cool."

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I snap out of my thoughts when a chin gently settles on my shoulder, "Senku? You okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

She steps away, sitting in the chair next to me, "You don't usually zone out. I was just making sure."

Weirdly, Amelie was the only person I allow to touch me.

The first time she ever tries a new form of touch, she always asks if it's okay, which I appreciate.

But I never find a problem with anything.

I think it's because I know why she does it.

She doesn't just touch people, not if she isn't comfortable. And she doesn't do it all the time, regardless. More often than not, she'll just hover a little.

Really whenever she touches you, she's saying, 'You still like me, right? Are we still okay? You're not going to desert me, are you? I promise I care about you.'

She doesn't realize that's why she does it.

Despite her not having a wide range of emotions, due to the way her father treated her, due to her not easily making friends, she needs that reassurance and she feels the need to reassure those she cares about.

I don't understand Amelie as a whole, but I do know enough, I've watched her for a long time as we grew.

So, although I usually don't touch others and don't like them touching me, I make an exception for her.

I nudge her head back gently with a finger, "Don't worry about me, just thinking."

I'm not the best with feelings, let alone understanding them.

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