Spear of Death

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The group watched as the Con-Man Grandpa worked with the glass, learning from what he observed before. He was mastering the art as he went.

Amelie couldn't help but grin with glee as she watched, "Now you, Con-Man, are very entertaining. I want to learn from you."

"You have an interest in this type of thing, too?" he half-asked as he focused on the glass.

She focused on the process more than the old man himself, "Well, I've never tried this before. But building things is kinda my specialty."

"Hm...By learning from me, do you mean this or in general?"

Amelie barked out a laugh, "My skills are shitty compared to yours, of course, I want to learn all I can from you."

He gestured her forward with a hand, "Test it out. If you do well enough...I'll...think about it."

She got the tools she needed, frowning, "It's a little different when you're doin' it instead of watching the process..."

"Getting cold feet?" he challenged, "There's no way I could have a coward for an apprentice."

Amelie broke out into a low chuckle, dark like her expression.

"You don't know me too well, yet, Con-Man. I don't fear challenges, challenges fear me."

Then all her focus was on making the test tube she had in her mind, the memories of what she observed before flashing through her head.

"Hm...that's not too bad for a first time, almost perfect."

Amelie observed her result, the bottom was a little wider than the top of the supposed-to-be slim tube.

"I see what I did wrong. Now I know how to fix it."

Once Amelie got it down the second time, she helped Kaseki finish the rest of the chemistry set with light conversation in between.

The next day, the lab was filled with glassware.

Everyone cheered for the achievement, while Senku on the other hand felt the weight of nostalgia.

Amelie felt it too, memories of labs and the experiments they'd do together, the study sessions, and the times they'd goof off a little and laugh.

"I took advantage of those moments...I thought they'd be there forever..." she whispered.

Then she smiled and flicked a tiny pebble at her best friend, which snapped him out of his reverie.

And at her sudden smile, he raised a brow.

She took a few steps over to him, standing by his side, "I know how you feel. I miss it all the time...But...Don't feel like it could never happen again, we're making those types of memories now. New experiments, a team, and new things to learn. We may feel a lack because of what we've known, the easy access we've had...but I—I don't think we're truly lacking. Besides, we both remember, right? That's all that matters."

"Yeah. It just can't be helped. We had a lot of memories, we did a lot of experiments—"

"—Some I'd rather forget," Amelie looked away, the corner of her lips down-turning.

"Hey, what's the matter, Senku, Amelie? We finally have a lab now! Show some joy!" Chrome frowned in dissatisfaction.

Amelie snorted a laugh, "Oh, I'm jumping for joy. Is it not showing on my face?"

☆*: .。. .。.:*☆

Next, was the Sulfa-drug.

Kinro and Ginro, who desperately wanted gold and silver spears, didn't realize this debate would help with the next step.

"All right, let's break in this brand-new laboratory by making a silver spear!"

Of course, Ginro was happy to cheer for this, while Kinro on the other hand didn't feel the same excitement for him.

"I'm sorry, Kinro. I have a way of becoming everyone's favorite," Ginro teased.

"Oh, yeah. You're a total charmer, all right," Amelie grinned, quite amused by the two.

Though Ginro seemed to miss the sarcasm and thought she was flirting.


"—You aren't a single bit my favorite, idiot," Senku scoffed, he glanced at the blond over his shoulder, a dark smirk slowly edging onto his face, "This could literally cost you your life, Ginro."

Amelie burst out laughing, "Wow! You really aren't his favorite, huh?" she joked.

Ginro furrowed his brows in confusion.

"We're off on a great adventure to find chemistry's greatest treasure. You'll be putting your life on the line in a maximum danger area. You could seriously die there in an instant."

With that, Ginro's face dropped in horror, paling at whatever that entailed.

☆*: .。. .。.:*☆

Amelie, Chrome, and Suika watched as Senku created silver. On the other hand, the trio training for the grand bout was a short distance away, but Ginro couldn't focus when he could practically smell the silver spear being in his hands. Getting a little cocky at the thought.

On the other hand, the science team paid them no mind, much too focused on the subject at hand.

"Hang on, why are you only making a silver spear?" Chrome wondered.

"Because we need it to get the maximum danger materials," Senku absentmindedly answered as he finished the spear, a satisfied hum leaving his lips.

"There's absolutely a purpose for the specific spear, I was only joking before," Amelie shrugged.

"Yes!" Ginro joyfully admired his new spear, "I finally have a silver spear!"

Senku collected a few flasks, putting them in a bag he slung over his shoulder, "You don't owe me one millimeter of thanks. I didn't make that for you. Come on, let's get moving. Ginro, your job is to be the team's bodyguard."

Ginro was very satisfied with that responsibility, to say the least.

With a bounce in his step, Ginro cheered a special bodyguard song he created from thin air as he led the group.

Approaching some hot springs, Kohaku spoke up, "Hey, this is the hot spring area that I draw hot water from all the time."

Chrome turned to Senku with a frown, "I came all prepared because you said it was going to be 'maximum danger."

Amelie crossed her arms, "Oh, it gets dangerous up ahead. It's like a rose, looks innocent enough...until you get too close to the thorns it hides."

"Ginro, quit messing around and hold your spear forward," Senku barked out.

"Huh?" In confusion, the blond turned to the scientist.

In all seriousness, Senku approached him and turned the spear back the way it was needed, "This silver spear is a sensor. That's what I made it for. Take a good look at the tip, if that silver spear turns black..."

Ginro looked down at the spear, still a little lost, "If it turns black...?"

"You'll die almost instantly," Amelie piped up, face devoid of any teasing.

Ginro's expression turned to horror. The others who were unaware shared similar faces.

"You'll need to get away within 0.1 seconds," Senku shared a look with the others, his gaze losing none of the intensity, "We'll all run, too. The enemy we're about to go up against will send us to the afterlife with just one mistake. This is the greatest hurdle in making sulfa drugs."

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