Giggles and Coughing Fits

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"Amelie, I found out you were a girl, today...Your papa's a little whiny because he thinks you'll make him soft, but I think he needs it," a soft voice giggles from the screen.

"I know filming like this is a little corny, but you should get to know your parents as who we were before you're here with us."

"Annette? Who're you talking to?"

"My little Amelie."

"Can't we pick a more traditional Japanese name?"

"I think Amelie is more fitting."

"It sounds too girly," he playfully rolled his eyes, kissing her cheek as he passed her seated form on the bed.

"It does, but the meaning is special. 'Hardworking'."

"What made you think to consider giving her that name?" he wondered off-screen.

"I don't know...I just have a feeling our little one will be a hard worker. She's already kicking so passionately."

"You need to be nicer to your mother, kid. She's the one carrying you after all," he flopped onto the bed before moving to hold his wife in his arms.

"She doesn't know any better, Ayumu. She just wants to be free," she began to giggle as he gently tickled her neck with kisses.

He rubbed her belly gently, protectively.

She leaned into him more, her gaze relaxed, "When are you finally gonna give up on the name you picked?"

"Never. Mine is better."

"Mmhm. May the best win."

They settled into peaceful silence before Amelie's favorite part played.

Her mother began to quietly sing a song, a song she made long ago, a song she never shared with the world, a voice that only those close to her witnessed.

It was beautiful.

"Au-dessus des vallées et au-dessus de la lune, je te vois, mon amour...

Ton sourire aussi brillant que les étoiles, conduis-moi là où tu es, tu es mon vrai Nord...

Donc, si vous vivez selon votre cœur, je serai avec vous. Alors s'il te plait ne pleure pas...

Où que tu ailles, je suis toujours dans ton cœur là où mes pieds peuvent ne pas aller...

Là où tu as froid, je te réchaufferai, là où tu tombes, je t'aiderai à grimper...

Then she smiled as she paused, changing the lyrics, "Je t'aimerai toujours tendrement...mon Amélie..."

The last note echoed until darkness became light.

Amelie shot up from the cot she sat on, breathing deeply, "Where...?"

She jolted, "Senku! Damn it-"

"What did I do, now?"

She turned behind her, observing Senku mess around with something.

"I...I thought you left with Chrome."

"We did. We got back not too long ago, we're taking a short break before plowing through more of the cure-all plan tomorrow."

"I'm sorry I couldn't help more."

"You had a fever, what could you have done but just get in the way?"


"Drink this."

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