Smoke Signal

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Senku removed charcoal tied together from a bag and placed them in front of the trio.

"We have the three materials we need to make gunpowder," he smirked, the brunette couple smiled at the information.

Amelie looked between them, "I already knew that, so I'm guessing that's directed towards you two."

"We have them already?" Taiju questioned.

"So, what's next, Bill Nye? Let's get to it." Amelie spoke in English, throwing off the brunettes.

Senku rolled his eyes, "Shut up." then he switched back to Japanese, "Anyway. All we need to do now is mix it. It's time for our happy gunpowder mixing session!"


"And since you so kindly spoke up, Amelie. You can be my lovely science assistant," Senku winked.

She shrugged, "M'kay."

"Ingredient number one for gunpowder," Senku held up a finger to count them off, Amelie poured the sulfur into a larger bag, "Sulfur, which we can get plenty of at this hot spring."

The brunettes watched with the utmost attention.

He held up another finger, "Number two...Charcoal. We can get all we need by burning wood. Amelie?"

Amelie added a few with no complaints, she was used to being his science assistant with his experiments anyway.

Senku held up a third finger, "And number three...the last, but most difficult: potassium nitrate. It'll take a hell of a long time to make this stuff, so..."

He trailed off before winking and happily revealing a bag of white powder, "Kukuku! I've already made us some to save us time!"

"O-oh!" Taiju frowned after a second, those words seemed familiar, his brows furrowed, "I feel like I've heard the word 'nitrate' somewhere..."

"Think back a bit," Amelie encouraged as she picked at her nails.

"Ah! Nitric Acid! Miracle water! You got it from that cave?"

"You're right for once, simpleton," Senku replied, genuinely impressed, he poured the potassium nitrate into the bag, "Ten billion points for you."

"Uh oh," Amelie teased, "You might catch up to me, Teddy Bear."

Senku mixed up everything, "Potassium nitrate, sulfur, and charcoal all go in the mix, and a pinch of sugar as a secret ingredient gives it a little more oomph. This is glucose that I made from grapes."

He poured the previously mentioned sugar into the mix, before grabbing a log that no one noticed was in Amelie's hands and holding it above his head.

"Finally, pound it until it's packed solid."

Amelie held in a laugh.

"WARNING: DO NOT try this at home! You can risk losing limbs!" Chibi Amelie made an 'x' with her arms to the screen. "And if you somehow manage to survive despite the low percentage of coming out unscathed, I'll shave off your eyebrows!"

The group turned at the sound of something moving, only to see Taiju's ass with a giant boulder over his head.

"Pound it, huh?! Leave the heavy lifting to me!"

"I don't think that's the best idea. Taiju, knowing you, you'd have enough force to make a full-blown explosion, like with flint..." Amelie seemed apprehensive for once, "And I really like explosions, like really, but I prefer to enjoy the deadly giant ones from a distance..."

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