But I Can Abide by the Chaos With You by My Side

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"Amelie, what's with that face? You look so sleazy...." Kohaku was very apprehensive.

"Kohaku, an idea spark's been lit...." Amelie cackled like an evil villain.

The primitive girl only sighed, "That'll either be a good thing or a bad thing."

"Where's Gen?"

"Oh, so it's a bad idea, then..."

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"They're getting close. Let's go, people! Operation: Pikachu Leek is a go!" Amelie barked out.

Everyone went into their roles.

When Senku arrived blindfolded, they began the skit. Gen greeting the scientist.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Kohaku snorted, "Don't bother trying to call for help, Senku. We're all working with Gen."

A chuckle passed Senku's lips, "So you bastards finally figured out the hack, huh? All you need to do is hand science and my head over to Tsukasa, and the village is safe. It's perfectly logical."

Senku could admit he was worried about Amelie; by now, he would've heard her fighting or something...where was she? What did they do—?

Amelie snickered from somewhere close to him, making him jump, "I don't know what all that's about, weirdo, but..."

When he was relieved of the blindfold, he blinked to adjust to what he was seeing, and when realization set in, his eyes widened with a sharp intake of air.

Planets and stars. A beautiful darkness full of light and colors that he'd been longing to see, longing to reach for himself as a child. It was all right here. He never realized how much he missed the view until it was there.

He took a step back, and that's when he realized something else was new—the science shed.

"An astronomy telescope...Or rather, an observatory..."

Amelie couldn't hold back the smile from his reaction.

Kaseki spoke up, but not harshly enough to ruin the soft moment, "January Fourth...Rock Day!"

"I heard it's your birthday today, Senku!" Kohaku's grin was bright, "We all got you a birthday gift."

Senku moved to look outside the observatory to see the whole village looking back.

Amelie approached him, "Every single one of us worked our butts off to make this. You better use the hell out of it, Scallion."

"This is your doing, IKEA."

Amelie flipped her hair that was down, "Of course. You know I plan the best surprise parties...besides, I owed you after you gifted me that necklace before everything happened."

"This is nowhere near the same as that."

"I like winning. I always have to one-up gifts. Duh," she stuck her tongue out, then turned to Gen, "You know...I never thought I'd thank you for those acting classes until now. Made hiding everything easier. So thanks."

Her smile made him smile, "Anytime, Amelie-chan."

Then she turned back to Senku, "But do you like it, really? I was trying to think hard about something you like, so it'd be perfect for today."


Ginro decided he was going to call out Senku...can't be judged for it, honestly.

"Hang on, Senku! Are you moved for the first time in forever? You can cry, you know. You don't need to hold it in. Go on! Go on! Go on!"

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