Glass and Shredded Grandpas

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Senku, Amelie, and Chrome watched the three warriors of the group training for the Grand Bout.

Amelie pressed a fist to her lips to cover a dry cough.

"Are you okay?" Chrome asked in concern.

Amelie rubbed at her manubrium, squinting a bit, "Yeah. Throat's just a little dry, didn't drink enough water, I guess."

Senku turned to them and spoke, "All right, so while Gen's out deceiving Tsukasa, let's get started on that cure-all drug."

Chrome cheered, a wide grin stretched on his face, "Yeah! What are we making with science next?"

Senku's lips turned into a frown, "There's a material that's just as important for building civilization as iron. The first man-made material in history, synthesizing using science...Glass."

"I figured it was coming sooner or later," Amelie sighed.

Chrome with furrowed brows, questioned, "What's that? Aren't we gonna make all sorts of drugs now that we have electricity and all that?"

"Yeah, we are."

Senku provided a further explanation, "Clay pots are no longer going to cut it for our happy chemistry experiments if we want to make the cure-all sulfa-drug. Glass can stand up to just about any chemical. Glass is the foundation of chemistry."

Amelie observed the training again, "It's easy to process glass–And transparent, so you can see what's going on with the chemicals inside at all times."

Chrome's eyes widened, "Really? Oh, man!"

Senku smirked suddenly, and added, "To top it all off, once we have glass..." he turned to the person who'd been silent all this time, Suika, "We might finally get a chance to yank that headpiece off of Great Detective Suika and see her true face."

And before anyone blinked, he reached over to her and pulled the watermelon off.

Kohaku with her eagle eye caught the motion, "Wait, Senku!" she ran over, snatching the mask from him, "Suika doesn't want her face to be seen."

Senku only grinned, "Take a good look."

Amelie, who was closest to Senku was already trembling at Suika's cuteness, desperately trying to hold back the urge to voice the discovery.

Her brown eyes were so big and wide, her hair a cute, blonde bowl cut. The features made her appearance seem warm like honey.

Kohaku on the other hand, hid nothing, "Wow, Suika! You're perfectly adorable!"

Suika turned to them and her face scrunched up awkwardly, wrinkling in all the worst places.

"What the hell?!" Chrome and Kohaku screeched in surprise.

"I guess I couldn't expect them to figure out, science is still new to them," Amelie muttered.

"I have the fuzzy sickness in my eyes. Everything looks fuzzy to me, so I end up looking like this when I try too hard to see and it's embarrassing," Suika clarified, she put on her mask and danced around. "But with this mask, for some reason, it's easier to see!"

"Pinhole effect," Amelie took a deep breath that only Senku and Kohaku noticed, "When you look at something through a small hole, light passing through narrows, which brings it into focus."

"What does that have to do with Suika's fuzzy sickness?" Chrome wondered.

"It has 10 billion percent to do with it!" Senku snapped at him, then turned to Suika, "Listen Suika. You're near-sighted as hell. That's not a disease. It's not even a defect."

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