4. A Nice Restaurant

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Ichirou had a wonderful Golden Week. He stayed in a bungalow on the gorgeous, cyan ocean. He had to share it with Ichika, including the bed, but it was better than sharing it with his parents, who were certainly up to no good in their cabin. He shuddered to think about it.

He lazily spent a lot of the time reading in one of the lounge chairs or relaxing in the eternity pool. However, he also did some more exciting things, like scuba diving through some reefs, snorkeling with turtles, eating at an underwater restaurant, and getting really drunk. He was a giggly mess, telling harsh truths before his parents cut him off from drinking any longer. Luckily, he didn't message anyone.

The only unfortunate thing to come out of the Maldives was how incredibly sunburnt Ichirou got. He had fallen asleep on his tummy in the sunshine, and thus, his back became a fair bit closer to a boiled lobster than a human's skin. He whined a little, but luckily his little sister was kind enough to help rub in some lotion with aloe vera onto his back.

During that time, he and Masahiro messaged plenty. Ichirou sent lots of pictures of the ocean, himself, and his family, while Masahiro mostly sent pictures of him from the eyes up with a cool-looking building in the background. Ichirou couldn't help but laugh a bit at that. His mother noted that Ichirou was having a lot of fun messaging Masahiro, which, for reasons he couldn't understand, made him feel embarrassed. He stopped messaging for a couple of hours after that because his mother had made him feel weird about it.

Ichirou came home and, despite having a beautiful, relaxing vacation, ended up immediately sleeping for twelve hours. He spent the rest of the week reading, online shopping, and messaging his new friend. They planned to meet up that Saturday to go to an amusement park, which Ichirou found himself excited for.

Ichika continued pestering him about when she was going to meet this man that her brother was fake dating. Eventually, Ichirou gave in and asked if Masahiro wanted to go to Akihabara with him and his sister on the last Saturday of the month. Masahiro had been the one suggesting events up until this point, so he was excited that Ichirou was taking some sort of initiative, despite Ichirou feeling forced into doing so. So, Ichika finally quieted down, seemingly pleased by this outcome.

On Friday, Ichirou began to feel warmer than usual. He quickly recognized it as his heat, as he was used to it by now. He grabbed a load of snacks and water bottles before heading up to his room, closing the door, and locking it tightly. He texted his family and Masahiro that his heat was starting. Masahiro seemed disappointed but said that he would be happy to try to take Ichirou to the amusement park on another day. Ichirou was secretly disappointed as well, but he'd never say that aloud.

Ichirou was an adult and had been through his heat many times by that point. He knew the drill. He took a cold shower to help keep him calm while he cleaned himself up a bit. He toweled off but didn't bother putting clothes back on. He pulled out a couple of things that he had gotten for himself once he turned eighteen: lube, a long and thin vibrator, and a dildo. Before then, he had just used his fingers, but it never really felt like enough.

Ichirou would start with fingers, then quickly move onto the vibrator. It was by this point that he would really start being in the throes of pleasure, and he would be properly loosened up. After that, the dildo would be used, again and again and again. It was exhausting, and that was why he made sure he had water and snacks available. He passed out several times, sleeping for a few hours, then waking up and starting it all over again.

By the end of it all, Ichirou would need a day to rest and recuperate, and some medication for his poor ass. The whole thing was rather irritating for him, as he felt like it was a waste of his time. It couldn't be helped though; he was an omega, and that was just what omegas had to go through. Perhaps someday far in the future, he'd have someone to share it with, and then it would be somehow better.

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