23. Like a Summer Storm

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CONTENT WARNING: This chapter contains descriptions of an anxiety attack! Be careful and take care of yourself!


Ichirou's mind felt like it was full of cotton. He couldn't stop zoning out, and it felt like a chore to think too hard. His mother was worried for him, but he couldn't bring it up with her. Ichika was also concerned, but he didn't want to mention it to her. The only person he could talk to about this was Yuuhei, and until he admitted that maybe he liked Masahiro, (which he didn't) Yuuhei wasn't going to be of any help, either.

So, naturally, Ichirou spent a lot of the week laid atop his blush comforter-covered bed, hugging the teddy bear that Masahiro had given him. He stared up at his white ceiling, eyes somewhat glazed over and knees rubbing together. He felt his heart pounding in his chest, and he would squeeze his eyes closed, mind racing back to Masahiro.

Ichirou could not stop thinking about the kiss they had shared. It didn't really feel like a redo first kiss between friends, it felt like a kiss that lovers who had missed each other greatly would have. The passion and care in the kiss felt like something bigger than Ichirou could muster up the courage to admit.

In the end, Ichirou decided that he needed to talk to Yuuhei, if only to get the emotions out. As well as getting said emotions out, his hair was getting a little long, so he called and made an appointment to get his hair cut.

So, on Friday, the day before he was to meet up with Masahiro again, he arrived at the salon. After being checked in, he walked into the back, where Yuuhei normally stood waiting for him. However, this time, he was not at his workstation. A little nervously, Ichirou sat down in the usual chair, wondering where his friend was.

The salon was lively, with mainly women. A couple of men were getting their hair cropped, but for the most part, it was women, getting their hair dyed or made up. Ichirou felt a little overwhelmed if he was being honest. It was difficult for him to get out of his head, and all the noise was making him dizzy.

"Sorry, sorry," Yuuhei called, coming out from behind a door. "I was talking to my boyfriend."

Ichirou rolled his eyes as Yuuhei closed the space between them. "When do you ever not?"

"He was confirming some plans for tonight. I guess he's got something new for us to try," Yuuhei said with a slightly nervous-sounding laugh, grabbing a cape to clip around Ichirou's neck. "Now, you said you wanted a cut, right? How many centimeters are we thinking?"

Ichirou was quiet, considering it for a moment. "Eight, maybe?"

"That'll put you just a bit longer than shoulder length. That okay?" Yuuhei asked, pulling Ichirou's hair out of the ponytail.

"Yeah, it's been getting too long," Ichirou agreed.

"C'mon, let's wash your hair," Yuuhei said, grinning at his friend.

After Ichirou was settled into the hair-washing sink, Yuuhei turned on the tap to a slightly hot temperature. "So, I'm guessing you've got something to say? You never come in unless something's on your mind."

"Y- yeah, maybe," Ichirou mumbled, looking away.

"Let me guess: it's got something to do with Masahiro," Yuuhei said with a slight grin.

Ichirou felt heat rise to his cheeks and he squeezed his eyes shut. "Y- yes."

"God, always something with you, isn't it?" Yuuhei said sarcastically, kneading shampoo into Ichirou's hair.

"Shut uuup. I don't need your commentary," Ichirou whined.

"Uh-huh, yeah, sure. So, when I texted you, asking how the kiss went and all you said was that it was good, was that a lie? Is he shit at it?" Yuuhei asked.

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