25. Pheromones and Cuddles

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Ichirou was finally wearing the sweet lolita apron dress that Masahiro got for him out of the house, but it was only to go from one house into another. He hefted the overnight bag over his shoulder as he got out from behind the driver's side seat. He gave his chauffeur some gratitude and a wave, before heading up the stairs and into the building.

As Ichirou made his way to the elevator, he reminded himself of the two goals he had in mind for tonight: now that Masahiro had seen his room, he wanted to see Masahiro's room, and also he was going to try to snuggle up to Masahiro while they were watching the final few episodes of the drama that they had been watching on and off together. These were some big asks, he knew, but he had determination and cuteness on his side, so he figured he had a shot.

As Ichirou stood in the elevator, he carefully brushed his skirt off. It was rare that he felt so cute, but he also had some concerns that Masahiro would find this hyper femininity to be... a bit much. Hell, it was a bit much for Ichirou at times. But if Masahiro was going to fall in love with him, he'd rather that he fell in love with every bit of Ichirou, including the weird parts.

Ichirou knocked on the door to his fake boyfriend's apartment, and waited for a moment, a little smile on his face. He hadn't seen Masahiro since Sunday when the other man had come over to study and watch over Ichirou again. It was enough to make him blush. That sort of care definitely felt less like the level of a friend, and more like something a boyfriend would do.

Masahiro opened the door to his apartment, beaming widely. "Hey, Ichirou! Come on in!"

With a little smile on his face, Ichirou walked in and removed his shoes. He quietly breathed in the scent of wood and grass and plants on a sunny day, feeling his whole body relax. He really did feel safe with Masahiro. It almost made him want to move in with the other man, but no, that would be too much for his little heart to handle.

"You look seriously adorable in that outfit, Ichirou," Masahiro said seriously, his eyes constantly looking up and down at the other man.

Ichirou felt his cheeks warm. "O- oh, you think so?"

"Yes, seriously. You're far too adorable for your own good. It's good you don't go out in that sort of outfit, because I'd be worried about someone snatching you away," Masahiro said with a huff.

"What! Don't be silly," Ichirou cried, standing up straight with his face red.

"I'm not being silly, I was being truthful. Anyway, I was just about to start dinner. It's gonna be nothing special, just some curry with rice, but I got some nice white wine for you and some scotch for me," Masahiro said, leading him inside and over to the kitchen.

Ichirou let out an excited squeak at the idea of wine, following his not-boyfriend into the kitchen. "Ohh, thank you! Oh, and hey, Masahiro!"

Masahiro blinked as he began measuring out the rice. "Yes?"

"Um, I was wondering, since this last week you went into my room, I was wondering if I could go into your bedroom today since I haven't seen it yet!" Ichirou said, playing with his own fingers somewhat shyly.

Masahiro paused and turned towards him. "Um, are you sure you want to? There's really nothing interesting in there."

Ichirou nodded eagerly. "It's not fair that you see my bedroom and me in that embarrassing state and I don't get to see at least your bedroom! I don't expect your bedroom to be perfectly clean or anything, I just wanna see it."

Masahiro coughed, his face somewhat red. "Um, it's just... I let out a lot of alpha pheromones in there, and I'm worried that you'd get overwhelmed."

"If I get overwhelmed, you'll be there for me," Ichirou said, brushing it off like it was nothing. "I can always go sit on the couch for a bit or something. I trust you implicitly."

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