35. The Spa and Desires

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Ichirou woke up to a pounding headache, so he let out a tiny whimper. He had gotten drunk again despite his best efforts. He had tried to not drink too much and to eat something on the New Year's cruise that would help the alcohol absorb slower, but it ended up being all for naught. He had ended up wasted, which was troublesome for both he and Masahiro, as Ichirou couldn't remember a lot of the English necessary to get them home. Things turned out alright in the end, though, right?

Still, it had been a fun night of dancing, eating, and drinking. He also learned a new thing about Americans: they kiss at midnight on New Year's. Ichirou had decided that this was a great tradition and had pulled Masahiro down into a really quick peck on the lips, which seemed to greatly embarrass him. It was adorable, how Masahiro got embarrassed whenever Ichirou took charge. However, Ichirou really couldn't beat Masahiro in that area; it seemed like whenever Masahiro decided he was in charge, Ichirou melted into a puddle of embarrassment and adoration.

However, right now, Ichirou was snuggled up against Masahiro, which wasn't such a bad place to have a headache. Ichirou was using Masahiro's shoulder as a pillow, and it was surprisingly comfortable. Their legs were tangled up together, and one of Masahiro's arms was wrapped around Ichirou's waist. Ichirou felt comfortable, safe, and loved. He loved being able to be this close to the other man.

Ichirou looked at Masahiro. He was really handsome, even while he slept. His long, dark eyelashes were the kind that a lot of girls dreamed of, and, if he was being honest, the kind that Ichirou dreamed of as well. His jawline was well-defined, with a nice shape to it. His hair was messy from the night's sleep. The little mole under his eye was even cute to Ichirou. He had it bad for Masahiro.

Ichirou wondered if it was a good idea or a bad idea to try to wake Masahiro up with a kiss. They hadn't laid down boundaries with this sort of thing, yet, so he could only assume that it wasn't acceptable. Still, Ichirou wanted to kiss Masahiro. It felt so incredibly good, so incredibly right to kiss him.

Luckily for Ichirou, it seemed that the intense staring Ichirou was giving Masahiro seemed to rouse the other man from sleep. Masahiro took a deep breath, breathing out slowly as he blearily opened his eyes. When he saw Ichirou patiently waiting for him to wake up, he smiled warmly. He leaned in and gently kissed Ichirou on the lips, pulling away with a sleepy yet pleased expression.

"Good morning, beautiful," Masahiro murmured.

If this was an anime, Ichirou was sure that hearts would be floating around his head right now. "G- good morning... Masahiro..."

Masahiro began stroking Ichirou's back, pressing their foreheads together. "How are we feeling? You drank a bunch again."

"I didn't mean to..." Ichirou grumbled. "My head hurts, but I don't wanna move."

"Do you want me to grab the medicine for you?" Masahiro offered, pulling away a bit.

Ichirou grabbed onto the front of Masahiro's shirt, an obvious plea for him to not move. "No... that'll ruin our cuddling."

"All right, we'll cuddle for a bit longer," Masahiro said, bringing his forehead back to Ichirou's.

Ichirou smiled, albeit shyly. He leaned in and kissed Masahiro, which the taller man enthusiastically returned. He pulled Ichirou even closer than before so that their torsos were pressed up against each other. Because Ichirou was a little lower on the bed than Masahiro, he couldn't help but note that their crotches were lined up as well. He tried to keep that sort of dirty thought out of his head, as a hard-on would be incredibly embarrassing.

Masahiro's kiss started out soft and gentle as they all had prior, but pretty quickly Ichirou realized something different was going on. His lips seemed to get more fervent, more excited. Ichirou did his best to keep up the pace as well, tilting his head every so often so he could get to more of Masahiro's mouth.

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