20. The Cemetery

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Ichirou changed into his swimsuit in Masahiro's spare room. He was planning on staying the night, and he hid his underwear under some of his clothes. Something about Masahiro seeing his briefs was incredibly embarrassing. They were just friends, though, so Ichirou wasn't really sure why.

Ichirou still hadn't gotten a new bathing suit, so he had to deal with his ass partially hanging out. He figured it would be better this way, though, instead of them going to an onsen together or something. Ichirou was not ready to see Masahiro with his cock out. Despite being incredibly turned on by Masahiro's athletic, beefy body, Ichirou was not certain he would ever actually want to have sex with Masahiro; it seemed like he would be asking for trouble if he ever considered that.

Ichirou popped out of the room, wandering down into the dining room. Masahiro was there, waiting for his friend with a couple of towels placed on the table next to him. He smiled as he looked at Ichirou, and if Ichirou didn't know better, he would have thought that Masahiro looked him up and down, checking him out. Ichirou, as good of a person as he was trying to be, definitely was checking out Masahiro.

"Are you ready to head down to the pool?" Masahiro asked, straightening up a bit.

"Y- yeah! I want to get in the pool since it's so hot out!" Ichirou proclaimed.

"Got it, got it, follow me. It's near the gym, so, on the first floor," Masahiro said.

"I know where the first floor is," Ichirou proclaimed, walking on ahead.

Ichirou walked out first, waited for Masahiro, and then walked at a speedy pace to get to the elevator. He was determined not to have Masahiro go before him, lest he get lost examining Masahiro's incredible muscles. Even just in the elevator, he was having trouble keeping his eyes to himself. Ichirou kept finding his eyes staring at the shoulders, working down the arms and torso, and then finally to the v-lines that led down to lewd places. It was at that point that he would panic and look away.

The elevator gave off a soft chime noise, indicating that they had made it down to the first floor. After being pointed in the correct direction, Ichirou walked down a hallway to an indoor pool. The scent of chlorine hit him like a brick as he entered, and memories of going to the pool made their way through his mind. The pool was somewhat small, with only a couple of people in it. There were several chairs scattered about, as well as some plants. The room had windows on three sides of it, as well as some doors to an outdoor deck.

Masahiro walked over and placed the towels on one of the seats, as well as his phone. Ichirou, meanwhile, was eager to jump into the pool. However, instead of cannon bombing into it, he took the steps into it and went a bit off to the side so that anyone else would be able to enter via the steps as well. The pool was nice and cool, a godsend in the humid, warm weather that was so common in Japan at this time of year. He slumped into the pool, sighing. It wasn't a particularly deep pool, and nor did they plan on staying in very long, but it was a nice way to beat the heat for a moment.

"Does it feel nice?" Masahiro asked, smiling as he slowly entered the pool.

For Ichirou, it was like the moment played in slow motion, like a movie. He watched as Masahiro walked down into the water, various muscles rippling and moving. Ichirou swallowed hard, trying his best to keep his mind out of the gutter.

"Oh, uh... uh-huh," Ichirou said, his face turning bright red.

He found his eyes wandering all over Masahiro's body. His biceps, his triceps, his deltoids, his abdominals, his pectorals, his back... it was all so damn hot. Who gave Masahiro the right?! It was too much! Ichirou sank further into the water, sure the heat from his face would cause the water to boil.

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