43. With His Mouth

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Ichirou watched as Masahiro pulled out the bento from his backpack. Normally he would be against eating in bed, but his parents had practically chained him to his bed. The accident had been on Wednesday, and now it was Saturday. Any effects from his mild concussion were gone by now, but he was still in a great deal of pain from the huge slash on his arm and the bruise that lined the entire left half of his body. Because of this, his parents wanted him to rest and not move as much as possible.

Masahiro had visited every day, just as he said he would. He sat beside Ichirou on Ichirou's huge, pink bed, and they talked for hours on end. There was also a lot of kissing. Nothing sexual, as Ichirou was advised not to get fucked at the moment by his doctor, but definitely a lot of just laying in bed together, holding each other, and kissing.

Takeru and Yuuhei came over yesterday, and that seemed like as good of a time as any to let them and Ichika know that he and Masahiro were officially together. They all just about lost their minds. Ichika actually cried, which Ichirou couldn't help but roll his eyes at. She was so goddamn dramatic, it was ridiculous.

Today it was just the two of them, however. Masahiro had brought over a homemade bento and had placed a bunch of the boxes next to him. It was almost like a picnic, and it made their Saturday feel a bit more like a normal one. He took the chopsticks that Masahiro handed to him with a warm smile.

"Masahiro, you're so good to me," Ichirou said with a sigh, going for a piece of broccoli.

"You deserve it, and more," Masahiro said, smiling warmly at his boyfriend.

They had been like this for the past couple of days as well. They couldn't stop cooing over each other. They were constantly flirting and complimenting each other, which was fine when they were the only two around, but it had mildly horrified Yuuhei and Takeru. Ichika was fine with it, of course.

"You can watch television now, right? Do you want to?" Masahiro asked, picking up a sausage and offering it to Ichirou.

Ichirou ate what Masahiro offered before speaking. "Sure, for a little bit. Remember the idol group I like? One of the other boys is in a drama now and I haven't gotten around to watching it yet."

"Ohh, really? Is it the guy you like?" Masahiro asked teasingly.

"The only guy I like is Masahiro!" Ichirou responded huffily. "But if you mean the guy I think is hot, then you're right."

Masahiro laughed. "Yes, yes, okay. Let me get your tablet so I can pull it up."

After Masahiro grabbed the pink tablet, he had Ichirou input the password. He then scrolled through the apps until he found the correct one. He opened it up and after getting confirmation of what the name of the drama was, he selected the correct one. He held up the tablet carefully so that they both would be able to see.

There were only two episodes out so far, but they were hour-long episodes. Ichirou was used to seeing the idol, Jun, be a stern and quiet man who rarely smiled, but his acting as an internally exhausted piano player was surprisingly good. This story was a bit more serious, as well, as it was about a young savant in college who had lost the will to continue playing the piano before he met a girl that changed everything for him. The lead actress was very pretty, but her acting really was what impressed Ichirou. Her microexpressions were on point, and the way she held herself was brimming with nervousness and anxiety, which suited her character very well.

Masahiro continued to pick up bits of food and feed them to Ichirou, who was so focused on the tablet that he simply opened his mouth and ate. Ichirou at some point stopped feeding himself because Masahiro was going to do it anyway, although he didn't realize that he did stop. They worked through their food slowly, with Masahiro ending up giving all of the strawberries to Ichirou because he knew they were his favorite.

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