42. The Confession

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Masahiro pulled up to the tall hospital building, immediately turning into the parking garage. He swore as he saw how full the parking garage was, rapidly turning his head right and left. He finally found a spot after what felt like much too long, and he flung himself out of the car, making sure to lock it as he stumbled away.

Masahiro followed the signs that pointed towards the ER, full-on running. He burst through the doors and significantly slowed himself down inside in order to not disturb the other patients. He quickly walked up to the reception, his breath heavy more from the anxiety than the running.

"I'm here to see Kimura Ichirou," Masahiro said, doing everything in his power not to try to break through the doors to get to Ichirou.

"Oh, yes, they're waiting for you. Please go down the hall, turn left, and then it should be the third door on your right," the nurse said, pressing a button that would open the doors.

Masahiro walked through the doors and felt sheer panic grabbing him. He hated hospitals, more than he would care to admit. He just spent so long sitting in a hospital room right after his parents died while the adults around him tried to figure out who to contact since Masahiro didn't have his uncle or aunt's phone numbers memorized and all of his parents' contact information had been destroyed in the car accident.

Ever since then, being in a hospital had been difficult for him. He couldn't stand the overpowering scent of disinfectants and chemicals, the too-bright lights, and the bleached-white look of everything. However, he knew that it was because of those things that he was cleaned up pretty well all those years ago. He now just had a scar on the back of his thigh, which he honestly didn't mind since he rarely saw it.

Masahiro gritted his teeth and power walked onwards, determined to find the correct room. He followed the nurse's instructions, walking down the bright white hallways. He counted the birch-colored wooden doors, stopping in front of the third door. He took in a deep breath, his fist raised to knock. He held it there for a moment, his panic tearing him apart inside. Still, he needed to know how bad it was. After three firm knocks, Masahiro opened the door and walked in.

Relief washed over him as he saw Ichirou, sitting up in the hospital bed, wide awake. He was holding out his arm for the doctor, who was stitching up his upper arm. His arm was bruised, and he had a couple of scrapes on his cheeks, but he looked mostly okay. On Ichirou's right, his parents sat on the two available chairs while his sister stood with folded arms. Everyone's eyes made their way over to Masahiro, tight smiles all around.

Ichirou seemed reassured by his presence and smiled. "Hi, Masahiro."

Masahiro strode over to his right side, collapsing to his knees on the floor and eagerly grabbing onto Ichirou's outstretched hand. "I'm so glad you're safe, Ichirou... I was so scared..."

"I'm sorry for scaring you. I told Ichika to word it more carefully," Ichirou murmured.

"I told him not to freak out!" Ichika complained.

"And then immediately told him that I was in a car accident without letting him know that I'm okay and just needed some stitches. You can't see how that might be triggering for a guy whose parents died in a car accident?" Ichirou said, rolling his eyes.

Masahiro winced. It really had been a terrifying moment for him. There was no way that a simple "don't freak out" wouldn't make him freak out in this sort of situation. When Ichika had told him, it was like the whole world dropped out from under him. A falling sensation overcame him, and he could feel himself returning back in the car, the smell of burnt rubber, smoke, and blood. It took Ichika several attempts to let him know that Ichirou was actually okay.

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