44. Fingers

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Ichirou looked at himself in the bathroom mirror, examining the bruises and cuts on his body. He was two weeks out from his accident as of today, and his near-black bruises were looking significantly better, now closer to a blue shade. They would probably be all healed up in a week or two. However, Ichirou was not about to let Masahiro see him fully naked until his skin looked a bit more pristine.

Ichirou examined his arm now, noting the holes that the stitching had left. He just had come home from getting them removed, and while one could argue that it looked better without the threads, he also felt like now it looked more red and raw. Still, it was healing up very well according to the doctor. Perhaps it was because Ichirou had been extremely careful with it, using petroleum jelly and cleaning it often. Ichirou wanted the scar to be as small and faded as it possibly could be.

Ichirou pulled his graphic tee back on and headed into his bedroom. He had been allowed to do more since the accident by now and had actually gone out on a date with Masahiro yesterday. It was just them going out to dinner, but it was nice to have some normalcy back in his life. However, that being said, his parents still were trying their best to keep him at home. They didn't want him to have issues while out and about that they couldn't take care of.

Ichirou's phone began to vibrate, and he pulled it off its charger, answering quickly. "Yuuhei, what's up?"

"Hey, loser. I'm between clients, so I thought I'd check in. Did you faint when they pulled out the stitching?" Yuuhei asked, the sounds of talking in the background of his call.

"No, surprisingly, I didn't. It didn't hurt, either. Thank god, because I can't handle any more pain," Ichirou groaned.

"Oh? You can't handle any more pain? What are you gonna do when Masahiro-san's fat co-" Yuuhei began.

"Shut up, oh my hell!" Ichirou cried. "We're not even there yet, so..."

"Do your bruises still hurt, or what?" Yuuhei asked.

"They don't hurt a ton anymore, but they're still tender. Plus, I don't want him to-"

"To see you without your precious, blemishless skin, I know. You're so fuckin' vain," Yuuhei complained.

"Well, I've been pretty and rich all my life, but that's about all I've got going for me," Ichirou joked.

"It's true, your personality is pretty shit, isn't it?" Yuuhei jabbed.

"Maybe, but I can't help but wonder what you have going for yourself if I don't have anything going for me beyond being pretty and rich?"

"I'm funny. That's it. We're lucky we got rich, hot, nice alphas, aren't we? How did we pull that?"

"I'm not sure either," Ichirou said with a laugh.

"For real, though, you've been pretty vague with what's going on with you and Masahiro. How far have you gotten? Have you done any ass play yet?" Yuuhei asked, his voice becoming a little bit quieter at the end.

"No, not yet. He's given me blowjobs and jerked me off, but we've not yet... um, touched back there. I want him to, but..." Ichirou trailed off, his cheeks red as he flopped onto his bed.

"But what? Ichirou, the man's obsessed with you. He'd be more than happy to. Plus, the number of times he's talked about your rear to Takeru... well, let's just say that it's a lot. Why don't you just ask him?" Yuuhei asked.

"Because it's embarrassing!" Ichirou whined.

"Yeah, but anal is nice, babes. You like it, so just ask him. I can't possibly imagine him turning you down," Yuuhei said.

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