17. Sexual Attraction

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Ichirou was full of mixed feelings as he received the message that Masahiro wouldn't be able to message him for at least three days. On one hand, he definitely found himself missing being able to talk to one of his closest friends, but on the other hand... his mind would not stop wandering to perverse places. It definitely wasn't because Masahiro was in his rut, but he couldn't stop imagining what it would be like to be with a faceless alpha who was in his rut.

There was an entirely different problem with that. Ichirou did not masturbate often, but he found himself unable to climax to that idea. He desperately wanted to, but it wasn't happening for some reason. No, he knew the reason, he just absolutely refused to accept it. He needed to put a face on the faceless alpha he was imagining, and it was specifically Masahiro's face that he needed to imagine. However, the absolute shame and disgust he was filled with at that idea completely revolted him.

Still, he laid down on his bed and continuously stroked his cock and thrusted his two fingers, in and out. He had been horny for several days now, and he was determined to cum. He panted as he squeezed his eyes shut, trying desperately to not imagine Masahiro's large, warm fingers inside of him, trying desperately not to imagine Masahiro's cock lined up against his soaking wet asshole, trying desperately not to imagine Masahiro thrusting into him and filling him up and–

Ichirou came, gasping and whining. His body trembled as white cum splashed its way onto the inside of his hand. The release from three days of horniness made the pleasure all the more intense. He looked up at the ceiling, somewhat dizzy and body hot. With this, he couldn't deny it anymore; he was sexually attracted to Masahiro.

Well, it made perfect sense. Masahiro's well-defined muscles were exactly what Ichirou was into. He had a nicely defined jawline, long eyelashes, dark, somewhat thick eyebrows, hair that was carefully maintained, and black plugs in his ears that were a centimeter and a half or so wide... God damn it, Masahiro was hot as hell. And Ichirou simply couldn't deny what he felt below his waistband any longer.

However, could he deny his romantic feelings further? Yes, he certainly could, and he was going to. Being sexually attracted to someone and having romantic feelings were entirely different things, and he was determined to keep those concepts separate. He would not want Masahiro as a boyfriend. As a sexual fantasy that he kept to himself? Maybe. But as an actual romantic partner? Hell no.

Thus, when Masahiro finally texted him, late in the evening the next day, saying that he had survived, Ichirou felt a sense of shame and discontentment. He had used Masahiro as masturbation material, how could he do that to his dear friend? True, he was super fine, but that didn't make it okay! Masahiro would be totally grossed out by him and would never want to speak to him again if he ever found out.

Ichirou also spent a long time attempting to decide how he wanted to post the picture of him and Masahiro wearing matching ears. He agonized over which filters to use, what caption to put, and what hashtags he should add to it. In the end, he chose a slightly pink filter, captioned it, "Coming here together was wonderful!" and simply hashtagged it "Dasneyland." He held his breath as he waited for the comments to roll in, which they did fairly quickly.

"Does this mean Ichirou-chan really is taken? T_T" "Ahh, what a cute couple! :D" "Glad you two had fun!" "You look cute as always!" "You're not really dating... you're actually mine after all! Mua ha ha ha!" "This guy doesn't deserve our little Ichirou-chan! :C" "You look really happy, I'm so jealous!" "Who is this guy??" "When is the wedding?"

Ichirou let out a soft sigh as he found that most of the comments were fairly positive. He didn't want anyone disparaging Masahiro. After all, they were good friends. Besides, it felt strangely good to have people recognize his "relationship" with Masahiro. It was like they were checking off a long list of things that people were supposed to do in relationships, despite the fact that their relationship wasn't a real one.

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