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This chapter is so long, I'm sorry 😭


"The truth is, everyone is going tohurt you

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"The truth is, everyone is going to
hurt you. You just have to find
the ones worth suffering for."
-Bob Marley

Scarlett changed into a pair of Joyce's old jeans that barley brushed the brunette's ankles before she pulled one of Jonathan's old hoodies over her head. She struggled with folding up the sleeves for a few moments before the new girl, Max, stepped in to help Scarlett.

Everyone was gathered in the Byers house and everyone had spread out. Hopper was busy yelling into a phone, requesting backup whilst Jonathan's apologies to the unconscious Will sounded from the living room.

The kids had gathered around the dining table and Scarlett approached them with Max in tow just as Hopper barked that they were going to stay put until backup arrived.

"Did you guys know that Bob was the original founder of Hawkins AV?" Mike asked quietly, the boy approached his friends as he held the blue box that Bob had brought. As he uttered those words, Blake appeared in the kitchen dressed in fresh clothes that she had grabbed from her car.


"He petitioned the school to start it and everything. Then he had a fund-raiser for equipment," Mike answered as he remembered when Mr. Clarke told him about how the AV club started. "Mr. Clarke learned everything from him."

Blake forced a tiny grin. "When I was in the AV club Bob would stop by sometimes so he and Mr. Clarke could talk about the newest equipment," She laughed lightly. "Bob only hired me because I had been in AV."

"He was pretty awesome," Floyd muttered, his fingers tracing the Star of David that dangled around his neck.

The boys revelled in silence for another moment before Mike piped up again with newfound determination. "We can't let him die in vain."

"What do you want to do, Mike? The Chief's right on this," Dustin replied. "We can't stop those demo-dogs on our own."

Scarlett leaned against the counter beside Steve who ducked his head to give her a look, silently asking her if she was okay. The two were yet to properly talk but there would be time for that later. The brunette gave him a minuscule nod.

"Demo-dogs?" Max frowned.

"Demogorgon dogs," Dustin joined his hands. "Demo-dogs. It's like a compound," As Dustin explained the name, Floyd rose from his seat and Blake immediately sat down in the now empty seat. "It's like a play on words--" Dustin continued to rant before Max cut him off.

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