004|....A Mistery Unsolved

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"It's never the changes we wantthat change everything

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"It's never the changes we want
that change everything."
~Junot Diaz

Scarlett sat quietly at the breakfast table, the other two Hendersons also didn't dare to speak. Claudia and Scarlett would share a look from time to time while Dustin moved a piece of bacon around on his plate. Scarlett sighted, of course she felt horrible for Will's fate, but at the same time she was worried for Blake whom she hadn't spoken to since the party, and of course Eleven was still on the teenager's mind.

Claudia's foot kicked against Scarlett's when the doorbell rang. The girl grumbled a bit as she stood up and walked towards the door "Lucas?" Scarlett raised an eyebrow at the boy, who stormed past her and ran towards Dustin "Okay?" Scarlett frowned and closed the door "Dustin we have to go." Lucas pulled on his friend's arm "What? Why?" Dustin asked, not getting off his chair "Mike." Lucas' tone was enough to make Dustin stumble off his chair and say a quick goodbye to Claudia before the two stormed past Scarlett again.

Scarlett had wanted to ask if it concerned Eleven, but the boys had been too quick. Instead the teenager rubbed her tired eyes and walked towards the breakfast table.


After Claudia left for work, Scarlett shrugged on her jacket and grabbed was about to exit the house when the phone rang. The teenager rolled her eyes "Well, guess I'll end up being late for geography, again." The brunette leaned against the wall and picked up the phone "Hello, this is Scarlett Henderson. Who is this?" There was a silent moment before the annoying voice answered "Good morning, this is Fiona Perkins. Would you be a dear and tell Blake to be home before Christmas." The old hag hung up the phone before Scarlett could say anything and the teenager growled in frustration. It was no secret that Blake's parents despised their girl. They didn't want a gay daughter and thus barley noticed her, Blake often ran away.

The thing was, she'd always tell Scarlett. Scarlett had called the police department, but they told her off, if Blake's parents said nothing then nothing was happening. Blake was missing and the only one who seemed to care was Scarlett.

School was like it always was, boring. With Blake missing and Jonathan dealing with Will's death, Scarlett was left to face hell alone. Throughout the day, Nancy had seemed to almost approach Scarlett on a few occasions, but ultimately she hadn't. When the school day was over, Scarlett had quickly jumped in a toilet stall and changed into the Sizzling Griddle's terrible uniform.

Scarlett's curls bounced as she walked around the diner, taking orders from the customers. Now, the Henderson girl had always hated her job, but that day in particular seemed unbearable. Her green eyes looked at the annoying woman, who had insulted Scarlett multiple times and was currently dealing with the manager. The bell above the door chimed and Scarlett looked up to the door, only to see Jonathan Byers walk through the door.

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