012|Halloween Horror

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"The moment was all;The moment was enough

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"The moment was all;
The moment was enough."
~Virginia Woolf

Lounging comfortably between the railing and half wal near the stairs, Scarlett smoked her cigarette. She had wrapped one arm around the railing to make herself feel a tad bit more secure. There was no bell seeing as class had ended long ago. The only people still at the school were students who did extracurriculars or were hanging out with their friends.

"Care to explain why you're laying down there?" Hearing Steve's voice made Scarlett twist her body and sit up a small smile on her lips. "It's pretty comfortable, I fit perfectly."

Steve looked at her for a few seconds before sighing and deciding to not press the point any further. Instead he jerked his head in the direction of the parking lot and muttered something along the lines of 'let's go'.


Chatting away about the best singers, Scarlett and Steve entered the Henderson house without announcing their arrival. Which in hindsight they really should have done.

"No but David Bowie and Paul McCartney-" Scarlett trailed off as she saw Claudia Henderson, her mother, on the couch in their living room kissing a man. Kissing a man. "Mom?!"

Claudia and the man pulled away abruptly, clearly they had not been expecting the interruption. "Oh," Claudia brushed back her frizzy curls and smoothed out her clothes. "Hi honey, how was school?"

There was no answer as Scarlett kept staring at the strange man in the living room, who offered her what must have been the most awkward smile in the world. He got up, brushing some greying brown hair behind his ear, his hairstyle was incredibly dated from the 70s. Large glasses adorned his face and much like his hair, his clothes were also dated and worn. He wore a brown patterned sweater vest with a tie. Qua physique he was the complete opposite of Claudia.

Offering a short uncomfortable wave he greeted the two teenagers with a faint Italian accent. "Hello, I'm Lorenzo. You must be Scarlett." Said teenager was still to busy processing what she had just witnessed. Instead Steve swooped in and shook Lorenzo's hand.

"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Steve."

To that Lorenzo looked in between Steve and Scarlett. "Ah so you two...?"

"No no no, we're just friends," Steve said and started to make small talk with the man in the room, but Scarlett's ears were too busy ringing.

Her gaze was drawn to the countless pictures on tables and the walls that showed Bill Henderson, her father, Claudia's high school sweetheart. There Bill would always be alive in all the seasons and with every holiday.

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