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"Please, I want so badly forthe good things to happen

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"Please, I want so badly for
the good things to happen."
~Sylvia Plath

Scarlett's Walkman was on but her headphones hung around her neck, she dragged her feet over the sidewalk. Her hands were shoved in the pockets of her jean jacket and eyes downcast. Originally the girl was supposed to work a shift at the Sizzling Griddle after school but Vicki Carmichael asked Scarlett to change shifts and Scarlett happily agreed.

The Henderson house came into view and Scarlett sped up slightly, she looked both ways before crossing the street and strolling up her driveway. The brunette reached out and grabbed the doorknob, ready to unlock the door, but found the door already open. Strange. Claudia had work and Dustin had AV club, maybe AV club was cancelled.

"Dustin?" Scarlett called out whilst turning off her Walkman and taking off her backpack and jacket. When there was no answer Scarlett assumed that Claudia had simply forgotten to lock the door, it wouldn't be the first time.

Scarlett took off her jacket and hung it up before she trailed into the living room where she found her mother. Claudia Henderson however didn't notice her eldest walking into the room, but Mews' head perked up and she got away from Claudia and walked towards Scarlett and mewed at the young adult.

"Hey Mews." Scarlett dropped her backpack on the floor and scooped Mews up. Finally Claudia seemed to notice Scarlett, the woman perked up and smiled. She set down the letter she had been clutching in her hands before trailing towards Scarlett and engulfing her daughter in a tight hug.

The hug lasted longer than usual and while Scarlett wasn't one to complain about long hugs, it was strange. "Mom?"

A deep sigh left Claudia's lips and she pulled back from her daughter to cup the young woman's cheeks. Claudia marvelled at Scarlett for a moment, it still felt like yesterday when a nurse passed a screaming baby to Claudia. A baby who she would come to love dearly. Now that baby was 18 years old and still she didn't know the full extent of her past.

"Come," Claudia dropped her hand from Scarlett's cheek and walked towards the entrance of the Henderson house. "I think it's time we payed your dad a visit."

Bill Henderson had been left to rest in Hawkins, his body had been transferred to the small town in a casket that had started to fade in Scarlett's memory. The Hendersons visited the grave regularly, but usually they all went together. Claudia proposing to go with Scarlett alone was strange but Scarlett nonetheless agreed to go and found herself in Claudia's car.

The buildings of Hawkins flashed by as the two drove towards the cemetery. By now the road had become so familiar any of the Hendersons could easily take it without using any of their senses.

Claudia parked her old car and the two women got out of the car and walked through the worn gates of the cemetery. Muscle memory brought them to Bill Henderson's grave, flowers that had just started to wilt sat at his gravestone.

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